Sunday, July 25, 2010

Need help ????????advice?

why do couples fight alot and does it make their love for each other stronger or not? my b/f and I seem to fight like everyday either from being homeless to his family not being there for him money wise cause they are some what rich.. this fighting has to stop cause mentally I can't take it anymore it's going to end me up in the mental hospital .. we also fight over my jealousy over him ..cause either another woman wants him or he looks at another woman almost breaking his neck . I love him but it needs to stop!! Can someone help me?Need help ????????advice?
Maybe you two aren't right for each other. Little fights are normal and healthy. If you two are fighting over bigger issues, or constantly fighting over the jealousy thing, then maybe you should call it quits.

Just taking a break could help too. If you two are apart, but can still be faithful to each other it could help you to appreciate each other and find new confidence in each others fidelity.Need help ????????advice?
hun last night at the foot ball game my friends x bf walked right by her and didnt even speak so i went up to him and cussed him out

im a good friend

shes happy now anyways
your relationship sucks, end it and find someone else, the BOTH of you.
well the best thing i can say to you is talk with him sweetheart and tell him how you feel on a calm level you know, be real with him and about the looking thing hey there is no excuse for that let him know if he is with you that cant and wont be happening
you cannot expect people to change for you. real change, should start from him. that being the case, i doubt if you can live with this setup any longer. so in the meantime (until he changes anyway), leave him and stay open for other possibilities.
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