Sunday, July 25, 2010

PLEASE Help. Advice ?

I have a huge crush on this girl andrea, she's on my hockey team. She's defense and im goalie. She smiles at me quite a bit, and before every game when were getting our stuff on we always joke around and im really random and she cracks up the whole time. She really is a nice girl. She blames the losses on HERSELF when its my own fault sometimes. Yesterday we were talking alot and i got to ';Do you have a computer?'; And she said yes, but then she had to go play another game with her other team. My mom said she was easedropping her mom and dad talking and heard ';Yeah she stays back cause she likes him'; and andrea staysb ack with me alot in the game and helps me out alot, so i think they may have been talking about me. She says nice save in the game, taps glovse with me and smiles. I walked past her and her mom and they both smile at me. I was messing around with my friends stick after his game and i looked up and she was staring at me an then she turned away and watched me as i leftPLEASE Help. Advice ?
1st of all. don't do it in a note or an email. its always better to just do it in person. It may be harder, but it is more sincere, and girls recognize it.

also, what do you have to lose? rejection isn't a terrible thing...and at that age, she'd probably say yes.

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