all this school year, I have had a great time, have lots of friends and do lots of stuff. (not make myself look like an idiot)
But today, I could tell some kids were looking at me weird and talking. This one thing sent me spiraling. I felt weird and obnoxious to people and didn't seem to............';flow';
how can I stop this?Please help.....advice?
pull one of ur good friends aside an ask if anything weird has been going on. maybe theres a rumor spreading... but if you know wats going on, u'll be able to deal with itPlease help.....advice?
Unfortunately this is a normal occurrence, just ignore it and stick to the people that except you as you are. The funny part is that they have taken the time to talk about you, you have taken space in there mind cause you are that freaking important. Even if its negative they have taken the time to acknowledge you so chill and don't trip over small cracks.
hmm maybe they weren't really talking about you, but if they were i guess all you can do is to just be really nice to them, what can they say that is mean about you if you are only nice to them? But i hope this doesnt continue, good luck : )
Just 'ASK:' them what is the problem...
Give up caffein coffee coke choclate, everything, sleep exercise.
You may be a bit spazzy being as teenager I was, be yourself you'll be ok
Don't eat cafeteria food 3 vegs and 5 fruit a day, plus your regular meals. This may make you feel more relaxed
If you think positively and ';control your thoughts'; MORE good things will come in to your life and eventually the bad things will disappear. Try watching ';The Secret'; DVD, it shows u how to live your life to the fullest and get everything u want out of it. It is really inspiring, the intro might be weird, but i will assure you, it is an extremely helpful documentary! i hope i have helped :)
oh please, you're thinking to much about what ';some people'; may or may not be thinking or saying about you.forget them i swear in 5 years you won't even remember half of those yourself and go about your business and the rest will fall into is always hell,but it's not forever.
Paranoia will destroy ya!
After having already gone to my 20 year reunion, I know more than any teenager knowitall that may answer.
Chances are they aren't even talking anything important about you. If they are, it's probably something ordinary like, ';He/she's in my 3rd period class.';
That's all.
Maybe you were just having an off day and that made you self conscious enough to think that people were looking at you funny?
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