Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I can't decide if I should tell this guy that I like him! Help? Advice? Please?!?

He was asked by one of my friends if he had a friend that liked him would he want to know even though he has a gf? To this question he said yes and she asked next would it be awkward and he said no it'd b cool so given that and how he's acted in the past when we've hung tell or not to tell......and how?!I can't decide if I should tell this guy that I like him! Help? Advice? Please?!?
He already has a girlfriend! That makes him off limits to you!

Show his relationship the same respect you'd want shown to you if you were in one. Think about how you'd feel if some girl was hitting on your boyfriend! You wouldn't like it a bit!

There's lots of single guys out there. You don't need to be going after the ones already in a relationship!

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