Sunday, July 25, 2010

Are you good at advice? Please help me out!!!!!?

I borrowed my friend's ipod and LOST IT!!!!!!! What should I tell her tomorrow? I'm panicking!!!!!!!! Should I tell her I'll buy her a new one? WHat should I do??!! HELP ME PEOPLE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!Are you good at advice? Please help me out!!!!!?
yeah you kinda have to get her a new one, or pay her back for it.. sorry to hear that, unlucky.. if it helps, i was on my way to my friends birthday, stopped in the local town to get an emergancy cigar lighter adapter for my sat nav and came back and they had clamped my car had to pay 拢230 cash on the spot to remove it!Are you good at advice? Please help me out!!!!!?
Go to your friend and say ';I hate telling you this, but I accidentally lost your ipod. I'm very sorry, I did not mean to do so. If you'd like, I will replace it with a new one or pay you back so you can buy your own. I just hope you forgive me for my reckless behaviour';

Really, you couldn't think of that? I didn't lose a friend's ipod, yet it came straight to my mind.
Yeah explain what happend and tell her you will buy her a new one. Goodluck finding it though. or you could borrow like 2oo bucks and buy her one tonight then give it to her explaining what happend and she would be like omg you didnt have to and stuff like that.
Look for it again. And if for sure you lost it. Confront her and tell her the truth. Dont be afraid! And yes offer to buy her a new one because it was your responsibility :/ I know it hurts to waste all that money but you gotta do it! Good Luck (:
well look for it!!!!!!! but if you can't find it buy her a new one!!!! for tommorow just talk her you forgot or something and if you can't find go buy her a new one!!!!!!
buy her a new one
lol....either u tell her what happened....or u buy her a new one...

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