im a 27 year old male....was with my girlfriend for 3 finding to so hard to get over her...its been 3 months and seems to be getting more difficult with time...have also just found out she has a new boyfriend and shes going to be at a birthday party for one of my best friends...what will i do????
Please help...advice needed?
I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time with the breakup. We've all been there but it will get better. It sometimes just takes longer than we'd like it to.
You are going to go to the birthday party and smile, mingle, talk to different people and have a good time. At least on the outside. Maybe there will be someone new there that you can talk to. Have you talked to the friends that are going to be there? Ask them if they can sorta ';buffer'; between the two of you. I know you probably don't want to put your friends in the middle but sometimes that's what friends are for.
Make sure you go to the party though. Everything happens for a reason. I hope it works out for you and good luck! :)Please help...advice needed?
One of the hardest thing to do is getting over a ex, maybe you need to make yourself busy doing other things, I was in a situation like that and it does take time, I cried for the longest time and I had trouble with sleeping, but with work and having classes I was able to do it, I moved on, In time you will too. Its clear that her feelings was not the same as yours if she already has moved on to another relationship. Just keep in mind that there is someone that is compatible for you. For her to already be with someone maybe this was something that was already in her mind and she wanted the breakup. Its time for you to have time for you, that doesn't mean to go out and jump in another relationship, because I don't think that is on your mind or this is the time, just get yourself together mentally, physically if needed, and financially if needed, so your next relationship you will have even more to offer in every aspect, if it becomes as serious as the last one. Now go out and treat yourself to something nice. (It will make you feel better) then set some goals to accomplish just for yourself. Good Luck
my brother had alot of problems getting over his first serious girlfriend, they were together 2 and a half yrs and were going to get married. he's 30 now and married with three babies and one on the way but he still can't even talk about her. and no one in our family says her name because he used to cry and get really upset (he's kinda sensitive about it)
sometimes it takes alot of time to get over someone. espically if they're your first love. it differs for ppl. my first love is my daughter's father and i was over him in about a year. it just takes time. try to go out and meet new ppl but avoid a rebound relationship, they are usually messy.
The grief over a relationship is normal and it means your normal that you are taking some time to get over it. In our culture we are starting to get this idea that ';oh well, move on'; is the proper response. Its not. Grief, whether the end of a life, or relationship is healthy. So, what I suggest you do is acknowledge that she meant something, and that you miss her, and then learn from the relationship. Life goes on, but you don't have to be happy with it right away. Take some time, then slowly get back into things.
And if she is in a relationship again this fast she is probably rebounding.
i think you should read the twilight series mostly new moon because that's kinda what bella is going through with Edward but other than that i think you should tell her how you feel about her at he birthday party coming up ask her boyfriend if you can Talk to her alone for a moment and then tell her how you feel i think she would understand.she might give you another chance and she might not but its worth a shot
my advice is....look at what broke you up - if you feel like you were at fault with anything, tell her you still love her and have fixed/changed things. Tell her one last time....and if she really has moved on, then let her go gracefully, get distracted and get back on the horse. good luck :)
Im going through the same thing, but im a female, and its been a year and a couple months for me. Talk to her, and if she is completely done, move on. What im trying to do.
Talk to her! Thats the best for everything!
Answer mine please?;鈥?/a>
If you really love her go to that party and talk to her, let her know how you feel and.... take it from there. Good luck!
You should talk to her and tell her how you feel.
Nothing, just ignore so she doesn't think your still thinking about her.
take a date too. dont rub it in her face though. that can be a little immature at times but this will work. i promise
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