Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Girls i could use some advice please help!?

Ok there is this girl I really like and we've been sort of seeing each other for a few weeks. Last weekend she came over and watched a movie and we held hands a little and cuddled a little (no kissing unfortunately). Anyway she's been busy this week with tests and papers and I was thinking of surprising her with flowers tomorrow night (she has a test Wednesday). Do you think this is a good idea? What flowers would be a good choice would red roses be too much? maybe daisies? Thanks so much!!Girls i could use some advice please help!?
oh my goodness! that is so cute! you sound lke such a sweet guy, i would kill for sum1 like yoU!

she is a lucky girl!!!

ok.. roses would be a little to much unitl your actually TOGETHER like.. an item.

but i think you should get her a happy mix of flowers or something!!

daisies would be adorable!! just a happy mix!!!

just.. no roses.. maybe you could put a couple in there.. but.. not just roses!! :) cute thO!! and you sound like you really like her!! she'll totally know your a sweetie!! good luck tell us all how it goes~!Girls i could use some advice please help!? cute! I love it! Flowers are a great idea and roses are classic, you can never really go wrong roses. To be a little more original, make them white roses or maybe pink roses. One rose would be a cute idea. Also, a little tip: listen to her likes and dislikes as she opens up- this will prevent a lot of confusion and fights if you guys have a future. Take care and God bless!! Hope everything goes well!!
!red roses would be too much! use any flower that is easy to get!!!
Perhaps red roses are for serious relationships, -- But if you know her favorite color - order roses that would match her fav. color.

Hope this helps....
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