Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cracked cymbals...need help/advice?

I have some really nice Zildjian A custom cymbals and recently after just about a year or two (and I don't even play that often) both of them have cracked. For drummers that know a thing or two, these aren't cheap or poorly made cymbals. These are some of the best you can buy. So my question is this. Why are they breaking so easily with me only playing a few times a month. I play a lot of rock music and I do use them decently hard, but I do not believe they should be breaking like this. Any advice? Does temperature (I live in Massachusetts) like when it gets really cold affect them? Should I not use them in certain temps? My drum set is in a finished enclosed porch with windows but no heat. What do you think?Cracked cymbals...need help/advice?
I'm a guitar player... not a drummer, but I know from playing in bands, that should be at room temperature before playing. They can actually give off a different sound when they are cold, but more importantly, when they are cold they can become brittle and break pretty easily. You gotta find a way to warm them up. Also, playing to hard will break them as well... especially when they are a little cold.

Low progesterone &ttc help&advice please?


i posted this yesterday but only gor 1 answer, so i'm postin it again to see if anyone esle can answer.

me and my husband have been ttc for 1 year, he had sperm tests %26amp; was told his motility %26amp; count was fairly low, but changes to diet would make it better, and he can still impregnate me as only one sperm's needed.

anyway, i was sent for blood tests to check if i was ovulating, which i do as i use the clearblue fertility monitor.

my test result came back %26amp; they said i have low progesterone. i have been reading about it online, but just wondered if there was anyone else that has this problem, where you put on medication, what sort and did it work for you %26amp; how long did it take while on the meds for you to become pregnant and could you sustain it?

my doc said if i don't become preg this month he'll send me for an ultrasound to check my ovaries and the dye test to check blockage of tubes.

i really need to get a bit more info on this as i don't fully understand what it means to have low progesterone. do you have miscarriages? can you actually get preg? is it a form of pcos and does it sound like i have this?

my ovulation isn't always at the same time each month, sometimes it's a week later than i expected, and i have irregular periods.

we are both in our mid 20's.

thanks so much for your answersLow progesterone %26amp;ttc help%26amp;advice please?
i also had low progesterone, and my dr put me on 50mg of clomid..he ran the test again and it was still low so he upped it 100mg and now its in the high range of normal. he told me most likely if my progesterone was low then i wasn't ovulating, and as you know , if you don't ovulate then you can;t conceive..i also had the dye test(hsg) to check my tubes..its a good thing to have checked for the price.(and i don't have insurance) there are alot of resources about low progesterone online that helped me alot..lots of luck and baby dust to you

Pregnancy question??? Please Help very important!!!! Any help/advice is appreciated!!!!!?

i have three question but i dont want to waste points so i am wrapping them all into one!!!!

1. Is it possible to have arthritis during pregnancy?

I have been having pains in my hands and wrists.....they are sharp and dull......when i try to pop my fingers or my wrist they hurt even worse and it kinda hurts to type but i want to know!!!!!!

2. I have sunburn on my scalp what can I use to sooth it? I have been told to put aloe on my scalp but I have ';black girls hair';.....they are very tight curls and i dont feel like washing aloe out of my hair for the next week......if you are wondering how i got sunburn on my scalp the answer is....I let my friend put my hair in corn rows and I went to the beach to fish and swim and i think you know the rest......

3. I cant get to sleep and it is bugging me.....what can i do????? When I go to lay down I just lay there because I cant fall asleep.....Does any one know any home remedies to get me to go to sleep.......Keep in mind that I am 23weeks pregnant so dont say sleeping pills......

All answers/help/advice is appreciated......thanks in advance and i hope every one wellPregnancy question??? Please Help very important!!!! Any help/advice is appreciated!!!!!?
1. it is always possible to be sick and have arthritis and be pregnant but is not because that you are pregnant that you get sick...for this is best to talk to your doctor in your next visit :D

2. you can use lotion or baby oil, but if you use baby oil don't go in the sun..you can still use aloe even with ';black girls hair'; just don't leave it there, wash it off after a couple of hours...aloe is good.if you don't want to use it everyday you don't have to...there is shampoo and lotions with aloe :D

3. you can drink tea that can make you relax, like chamomile, or something similar, or a warm glass of milk, you can go to a mexican store and get a ';te de tila'; which is to calm you down, it does not affect your baby...Pregnancy question??? Please Help very important!!!! Any help/advice is appreciated!!!!!?
the first question...idk if its arthritis or not but i've had pains in my legs but tahts cuz im 9 months and im carrying alot...the 2nd question..i dont know...and the 3rd....try adding more pillows throughout your body length..and if you have any heartburn, take 2-3 tums and lay your head/neck on two pillows. that helps me.
To question #3, try not to have any caffeine at all during the day. At least for me I can have a small soda all day long and can't sleep until very late that night. And try not to do alot of activities after 6pm.
THese are symptoms of pregnancy but just ask your doctor!
1. joints ache during pregnancy it's not arthritis

if it gets really bad talk to your dr about it

2. ouch! - yeah aloe is the only thing that's really going to help

maybe re-braid it and have them use aloe while they do it and then you'll be able to put it in between (it shouldn't show much if you don't glob it on)

... i don't know - that's a hard one if you can't wash it often

3. warm milk always helps

good luck!
um the third question...My doctor said it was 100% safe to take melatonin while I was preg. It is an over the counter medc. It is in the vitamin section, it is a natural chemical our brains make when we are babies...and it works wonders. If you are still iffy, then a glass of warm milk helps alot too, but i hate warm milk. And yes u can get arthritis Remember the baby takes alot of your calcium and other vitamins. Sunburn on the scalp, maybe vinegar and water
1. Uh, yeah obviously. You can get arthritis at any time. You are making it worse by attempting to pop them.

2. There really isn't anything you can do if you don't want to put aloe on your hair. There is some spray aloe that isn't as thick. But you will still have to wash it out.

3. There are some natural sleeping pills and I believe they are safe for pregnancies. Also, try reading. It should tire your eyes out. You can try slowly adjusting yourself to get ready to go to bed. Don't eat 1 to 1-1/2 hour before going to sleep, try taking a hot bath before sleeping and get super comfy and lay in bed and read. Don't turn on the tv.
1. Pregnancy means taking enough calcium for you and your baby so maybe thats why your fingers hurt. Try getting enough of it maybe it can help.

2. Like any other sunburn youneed to wait for it to go away try washing your hair with cold water it will only relief if for a moment but it may help.

3. To sleep or to calm my nerves you could drink chamomile tea with anis stars so it tastes good. You could find it supermarket in the spices aisle A few chamomile flower 4 stars of anis you boiled it and add sugar when served. When you take it try to be at bed and relax it helps with the effect. Good luck, and don't worry its just pregnancy too.
Its not arthritis, some woman develope carpal tunnel syndrom, which is much like what you describe, it usually subsides after pregnancy but can remain, spek to your doctor about it asap.

For the sunburn, just try keeping out of the sun, stay away from corn rows, uv rays ca be very damaging to baby, and try keeping your hair moist like putting water in a spray bottle and spraying it every now anf then.

Lots of woman have sleeping issues from pains or being uncomfortable, and some develope insomnia. If you uncomfottable invest in a good body pillow to curl up to, if its insomnia there is nothing you can do without medication for it, except try and gets lots of exerciase without overdoing it each day.
Foreverliving MSG combine with forever heat lotion can relief the arthitis pain and help the pain to go away. You can also drink a pill of omega 3 from forever living it's safe during pregnancy it will even increase your baby's IQ that 's what a read in a magazined with an study on babies whose mothers took the omega 3. You can also try to drink 2 oz of aloe vera gel from forever living to help qwith the arthritis , and constipation I think the pop problem is not cause by the arthiris , pregnant women get constipated because the intestines get pus back so far and squezed to give room to the baby . The aloe is the best option for you scalp, you don't have to put a whole lot and if you use the one from forever living which is called aloe vera gelly you don't have to rinse right away because it doesn't leave residue it is quite clean I apply it on my hair to stop freezing her or to hydrate my scalp and I have never had flakes it's great it's 100% stabilized aloe vera, as if you were to cut an aloe leaf open only without the mess. Very affordable and you can find it at forever-living .net To hepl you sleep what you h ave to do is to go for a walk before you're going to sleep then take a shower and you'll fall asleep you can also take a cup of tea free of caffeine camomile with cinamon you can also get it at forever-living.net I used to take it when I was pregnant and my baby was moving to much and it would calmed him down and I will feell great the warmness it's very soothing for you and your baby. Give it a try I did all these when I was pregnan and I never had problem with my pregnancy it help me to get through it with much trouble. Gos bless bye!
yes arthritis is something you can have in pregnancy

and you might have to just let the sunburn go away by itself..or just put a little on your finger and get it as close to the scalp as possible so that there wont be very much in your hair..

as for the sleep i go through this all the time..i had a horrible time last night with braxton hicks contractions..and you just have to lay there intell you finally fall asleep i know it sucks..

you could try to take a warm bath...

also the smell of lavender works so get some of that in a shampoo or soap next time your at a store..

and you could try to drink something warm sometimes that helps

but thats all i got..i come back if i have an more ideas
1. It sounds like you have carpal tunnel, which is common during pregnancy and will flare up-ask your dr. what to do. More than likely they will tell you to wear a brace.

2. Just dab a little bit of lotion on your sunburn, it will soothe the itching/pain.

3. Yes, you CAN take some sleeping pills. I am looking at the list from my dr. right now and for sleeping it says it is safe to take Tylenol P.M. or Unisom.
I have arthritis and I am 36 weeks pregnant. Needless to say I can barely move at times because of the pain in my hips, hands, feet, wrists, and knees. I am only 24 and I walk like my grandma, lol. However, I think that much of the pain is due to water retention and the extra weight.

As for sleeping I would ask your doctor for an approved medicine. Mine allows me to take benedryl or tylenol pm. I haven't had to though because this pregnancy is exhausting.

Need Some Girl Help/Advice..?

Alright well there is this girl in my govt. class at school. Ive been going to school with her for awhile, but this is the first class ive had with her. So we started just casual talking during class and joking around, Ive talked to her on facebook a few times just asking how her day was and things like that. I havent talked to her everyday so i wont bother her, but i would like to get to know her a little more..

what are the next steps i should take???Need Some Girl Help/Advice..?
1: (if you haven't already done this) tell your self out loud that you like her

2: Start talking to her more

3: Find out if she has a boyfriend (if she does, he might kick you're ***)

4: If she doesn't have a BF, ask her to HANG OUT (not a date thing so she won't feel pressured)

5: Ask her on a formal date (asuming she likes you)

6: If she says no to the date, leave her alone

6B: if you go on the date, be nice to her and have fun then confess

7: If she has the same feelings, you're in, if not leave her alone. You don't wanna be the boy known as just one of her stalkers.Need Some Girl Help/Advice..?
ask her to casually hang out with you sometime
start talking to her in person more ofthen but not to the point ur annoying and flirt a l lil bit more so she doaent think of you just as a friend

I need guy help/advice...?

So my best guy friend told me he had a crush on me in june, and i told him i sorta liked him back, and nothing really happened after that.

we had a fight so we stopped talking for awhile, but we've recently started talking again and are still once again friends( but not as close as we were )

so now the thing is, i now have a crush on him!

is it too late for anything to happen? do you think he's over me by now?

i need your help/advice?

thanks %26lt;3I need guy help/advice...?
why don't you just tell him how you feel and see if he feels the same about you and if he doesn't then just find someone else that interests you.I need guy help/advice...?
go 4 it a tell him u like him,be confident he will like u
  • highlight
  • Guy needs some help/advice?

    well I posted a question not to long ago asking how I could get the girl I like to talk to me instead of ignoring me and talking to her friends (other girls)

    well anyway I like this girl in high school I'm 15 and most of my friends have had/have girlfriends I'm ashamed to say that Ive never had a girlfriend. I like this girl who I am friends with, I usually go to the area where they all are at lunch. I get like 5 hellos and they just carry on with their conversations,well I then wait till there is a pause and I jump in asking her how she is doing and trying to ask questions with answers that aren't just yes/no to initiate a conversation but she always seems to just answer them as fast as she can and goes back to '; who's dating who'; or whatever. I dint think she is interested. But I want to know how I can get her to answer back so we can have a real conversation. I want to get to know her and see if I want to ask her out

    also I'm 99% sure she doesn't have a boyfriend she is just always with these 4 friends

    help is appreciated

    K thanks Guy needs some help/advice?
    Find a time when she isn't with those friends. Then talk to her.

    Senior Noncommissioned Officers, help/advice please?

    I am a new nco, e-5.

    Here's the problem, I just arrived to my duty station not too long ago, and my first weekend I decided to step out of my comfort zone and go out with some other soldiers (E-4/E-5s).

    So, this male SGT was macking on me, but I was like ';uh no';

    The next day people come up to me, ';SGT Clark walked in on you having sex?'; what?

    So basically, he had spread rumors I was sleeping around... on my first weekend.

    So, I told him and my first line leader together I'm not sleeping around and he needed to quit it.

    Fine, nothing happened after that for a minute.

    About two weeks later, the rumor is I am sleeping with a specialist who had been familiarizing me with Okinawa, telling me how to get to Kadena AFB, Camp Lester/Foster, etc.

    I again told him to quit.

    So this week the rumor is I am sleeping with yet another person.

    This time his name was mentioned, ';I heard from Clark this.'; I can't prove he had spread the rumors, only go off people's word.

    So, my commander asked me yesterday, ';Would you like to press harassment charges? Take some time and think about it';

    As a senior NCO, what do you think I should do.

    I want him to quit, and yes I would LOVE to make an example out of him, but sexual harassment follows you your entire career and I don't want to be that harsh, but thats what they are going to give him if I say yes.Senior Noncommissioned Officers, help/advice please?
    You have already talked to him and nothing happend i would definitely file the sexual harassment on him. One it will show him that your completely serious about this and that he needs to stop and two yes it will follow him but he made the choice not to take no for an answer. If you dont file this report he could end up doing it to someone else. Stop it now before it gets worse.Senior Noncommissioned Officers, help/advice please?
    If there is any other way to stop it try that. If you can get a senior grade nco or a low grade office (lt or ensign depending on branch of service) to deal with it unofficially then do that as well. make sure he knows that if he doesn't stop that his career is ruined. then drop the axe.
    Make him an example that Sexual Harrassment will not be tolerated in our military. PERIOD!

    Folks has got to know that ';NO'; means ';NO';, and shouldn't get mad and vengeful just because you said ';no';.

    And you just got to that unit, and they're clowning like that??? What a way to welcome someone into a unit!
    Talk to your First Sergeant? It's too late IMO. You have already spoke to the person, take it up the chain or press charges.

    Hope it works out.
    To everyone that is involved '; Grow the f ck up';. Sgt Clark needs to get his head out of his a$$.

    I feel that this is one of the tests of being in the military. Hold an informal meeting with your 1st line leader, Sgt Clark and the person that mentioned Sgt Clark. Tell your 1SG that intend to have this meeting. He will very likely show up. Question your source about it and question Sgt Clark. This should stop your source from repeating bullshit that he hears from other ';canaries';. All the people that repeat the BS that is told are just a guilt as the person that started the rumors.

    If this doesn't work then you will have no choice but to file a formal harassment charges. Keep a written record of everything that you hear. If you can carry a small digital recorder with you to record conversations of people so that they cannot deny what the have told you. If you do file then you will need all the help that you can get.

    When you are angry you are very likely to be out of your element. Always keep your cool. When you get angry you are likely to do something stupid. Sgt Clark sounds like he is the type of person that uses this to his advantage. Piss people off past their breaking point and make them self look like they are innocent.

    The angrier that you get the more he wins. Stay cool and you will win.
    When I was an E-5 (USMC 0311) it would have been taken care of probably through violence of some sort. I know that doesn't always work but that is the best part about working with all guys. We probably would have gotten a beer a couple days later too.

    You have to put an end to it somehow because soon you won't have any credibility and be useless as an NCO. Make a decision and go with it. If you stand by what you decide - you will be respected and that goes and LONG way as an NCO

    I need legal help/advice Serious!!?

    So here is what happened. I was home alone, a couple knocks on the door. I ignored it at first because I thought my fiance's dad ( Let's call him Jo) was home. A few minuets passed the door bell rang so I went downstairs to get it. Opened the door this old man grabs my had then let go. I thought weirdo. I though maybe he was being playful. Anyway he asked about the property next door for sale. I said I have no info. He insisted on talking to me so I said I gotta go. Finally he said ok I will give you my # so I went inside trying to hold my mastiff back got paper and a pen then I went back out. He was super flirtatious so I said I gotta go I have your # we may call if we have info on the property. He grabs my arm hard and pulls me out the door starts kissing my arm and trying to kiss my face. He was telling me he wants me to go to his house to play with his cat. I pulled away then locked the door behind me.. I called my Fiance he rushes home. Then I call the # he gave to to see if it's real. It rang I hung up then the comes back with beer and a lot of other stuff in his hands. Before he comes back Jo walks in the door. He was shopping so anyway the stranger walks in like its his home opens the door himself and My hubby says is this the guy who tried to attack you I said yes. He first tells him to get out and he doesn't he keeps on walking in about 8 feet in our home. So my hubby restrains him until police come in the mean time there's a huge struggle. My fiance tells him to stay still till police gets here. I was scared so I ran upstairs and didn't see anything. Well the stranger leaves a trauma alert and is now in ICU in bad condition. hemothorax.

    We made statements to the police and detectives I know that was stupid but we didn't want to look guilty for anything. Now the cops want us to make statement again because there were inconsistencies in out stories but we were just traumatized so we could have left out little stupid stuff but we told the truth.

    I'm scared what could happen? This stranger just got out of the phyc ward apparently and he has assulted other children and people.

    What could be the worst that could happen? Could my hubby be put in jail? He was scared for our lives. He could have shot us we didn't know if he was armed.I need legal help/advice Serious!!?
    No, he is not in trouble.

    What the heck?! Help, advice Please?! I don't know what to do..];?

    every month we always have a dance at this one place that we go to, and it's 6,7, and 8th graders; but the 8th graders have their own section. %26amp; there is about 4 differnt schools that come to the dances too, so i've made like a lot of friends and stuff. me and my friends love to have a really fun time at the dances, just like everyone else does. recently, the last saturday i went to the dance with my friends, and this one dude was grinding me from the back and his other friend was grinding me in the front %26amp; that's basically it. but, then one of the guys I was grinding with texted me and said

    ';Hey! did you makeout with anyone at the dance?';

    and i'm like.. ';Uhmm, no.'; and he's like ';ohhh, well a lot of people at: (and he named his school) think you're a sl.ut, and i'm like; um, I didn't even do anything, but okay..

    %26amp; I don't even go to their school! %26amp; they don't even know me!

    what should I do about this? Should I just ignore it, %26amp; let them think what they want..it's not true anyways..?

    I wrote this fast, so excuse my spelling, %26amp; grammer. :)What the heck?! Help, advice Please?! I don't know what to do..];?
    Yes..Your best bet is to ignore it. If you start running around trying to out prove a lie it will draw the wrong kind attention. Plus like you said you don't know these guys and they obviously don't know you.

    I do suggest that you be a little more prudent in your conduct at these dances. It can only fare well for you in the future.

    Football Fantasy Team help/advice? 1-5 after week 6?

    Starters (Week 6)

    RB - LaDainian Tomlinson

    RB - Ahman Bradshaw

    QB - Carson Palmer

    WR - Randy Moss

    WR - Marques Colston

    WR - Steve Smith(CAR)

    TE - Kellen Winslow

    K - Nate Kaeding

    DEF - Green Bay

    Bench (Week 6)

    QB - Matt Ryan

    WR - Terrell Owens

    RB - Jamal Lewis

    RB - Joseph Addai

    As you can guess, I went with blue chip wide receivers during my draft. Now I am struggling since I don't have a consistency in my QB or RBs, and even WRs on times. I have lost 5 games, some really close ones (i.e this week my opponent had D. Bress, Ray Rice, and Wes Welker) I have LT tonight but down 12 points, he has been a bust for past two years. I also did a dumb trade earlier in the season trading Ray Rice for Steve Smith(CAR) in week 3, thinking Willis McGahee is getting most TDs and will be named the starter in games to follow, and TO is not performing. I have been actively looking in the waiver wire, and now I need advice in possible trade. Its a ten team league with standard scoring.Football Fantasy Team help/advice? 1-5 after week 6?
    FF is all about A. RB's and B. QB's. Tough lesson learned, but look at the Lions in real world terms. They loaded up on WR's for a few years in a row in the draft and they are still terrible. Start with trying to get a consistent QB then RB's through trades.Football Fantasy Team help/advice? 1-5 after week 6?
    Your team doesn't look too bad to me. You are strong in Wide Receiver and a have a good solid defense. You just need some good running backs. Trade one of your WR for a running back.

    Im gonna keep asking until i get advice please help me :,,(?

    so my friend is mad at me because apparently i think of only myself and no one else and i dont know what to do ive had been backstabbed by 3 people my mom was in the hospital and the meds i was taking wasnt working and i havent been acting myself what do i do she was crying when she told david all of this and i dont know what to do i already lost one friend this week i dont want to lose another oneIm gonna keep asking until i get advice please help me :,,(?
    You need to have a good chat with your friend... and tell her you are feeling bad about not being a good friend while so much other stuff was going on with your life. It sounds like you may have been having a ';pity party'; for yourself and your friends don't feel like you have been supportive for them too...remember it is great to lean on your friends but you also need to have your shoulder available for them to lean on too! Best of luck... just talk and open up...most girls will be able to rebuild a friendship when they talk heart to heart.Im gonna keep asking until i get advice please help me :,,(?
    well talk to your friend tell her how u feel. make sure u say sorry incase you did hurt her. do u think of only yourself? make sure u don't before doing this and dont get defensive just really look at yourself and ask that to yourself and answer honestly. if say yes then just check yourself and make it right,its not to late. if you say no tell her how u feel and u feel u just need a friend and u r sorry she feels that way but you dont want to lose her as a friend and tell her she means the world to you and you would like it if she talked to you and make sure you listen to her because if you get all defensive and dont listen you could mess up.

    Best of luck.
    Your friend is being selfish here...She should have had more understand for the situation you were in and had been there for you. Try sitting down and talking to her, tell her what you said here, if she feels she was ignored ask her why? Maybe something is happening to her and you could both be there for each other, to help each other out and not fight. It may just be you two are growing apart, it happens and is normal...But if you really like her and want to remain friends let her know. Also dont be afraid to say sorry if you feel there was something you should have done and hopefully she will return the favor.
  • green makeup
  • I need some advice, please help?

    I'm a sucker for romance, and every time i see someone with their significant other happy, i can't help but to think and ponder when i'm going to get my special moment. i'm obsessed with checking out every man that comes my way because i'm scared that i may miss out one my one opportunity at love...how can i forget all that, and live my life and enjoy it and stop being worried about love and all that mess.I need some advice, please help?
    everyones out 2 find luv, its natural....but wen u see someone dont think u need it too....think of it as an example and wat waits 4 u....wen u see a cute guy its not wrong 2 check him out, jus keep it simple and u never know, maybe he likes simple =]I need some advice, please help?
    Do not be fooled by ';happy'; couples, they each have their own sets of problems from time to time...

    I've always heard Love will smack you in the face when you least expect it, and I can tell you I've seen that happen many times!!

    Find things to do that keeps you busy enough not to worry about finding a significant other. Gain your confidence by being your very best..People gravitate to confident people.. Be alert so you don't miss your golden opportunity but do other things so your not obsessed. Good luck, you will find romance..
    Easy. You can't. I'm the same way, but the thing is, a major aspect in life is to find that significant other, so you can't help but to want to find yours.

    Help .... Advice needed on teeth ? Pictures too! ????

    Ok I want peoples educated opinion on my teeth .... what method should I take ??????????




    Ok and also ... I know I have an overbite and I hear people with them say they have had jaw surgery to correct this !!!!!!!!

    Do i need this ! Honest opinion please !!!!

    What should I do ?Help .... Advice needed on teeth ? Pictures too! ????
    You're right - you do have an overbite. Fortunately, it looks nowhere near bad enough to require surgery.

    I had the exact same problem with my teeth when I was young; I had a severe overbite (much worse than yours) and a noticable gap in between my 2 front teeth. I wore braces for 2 years.. headgear at night for 1 year (which pretty much truamatized my 11 year old self, lol) and I wore those rubber bands that pulled my jaw up.

    So, if you're looking for treatment, go see an orthodontist. You're probably going to need a year or 2 of braces.. but I seriously doubt you need jaw surgery. I've only known of one person that had that procedure done, and it was because he had 'no' jaw (some sort of birth defect, i imagine.. but you couldn't tell by looking at him).

    Don't worry!Help .... Advice needed on teeth ? Pictures too! ????
    !Take good care what you're doing! It doesn't seem to be a problem!

    Be a good person, smile and pray to be in good health! why have a surgery...think twice!
    Yeap; you do.
    go see a dentist and discuss all of your possibilities

    Help??advice pls??

    Yesterday my mum call me,after when we finish our conversation.MY mum pursue me to start a conversation with this guy(my mum colleague).My mum say that this guy has been wanting my hp no. for 6 months and finally he got my number and didn't call?i started a conversation with him by a 'hello' and he did the same.After that i have nothing to say to him and i kept quiet .He seems like he has nothing to say to me.he kept quiet too. i think that is kind of funny for both of us to keep quiet.i laugh but not in a rude and loud way and that makes him laugh too.Do you think that i have a serious problem and i think i look silly.What you guys think if you are the guy that is in the phone?Help??advice pls??
    I think the situation is awkward. Is he Japanese? I'm asking because you posted in the Japan section...

    Either way, if you (or your mother) wants to get to know this guy, maybe you should plan to meet face to face. I think it WOULD be strange meeting someone over the phone. Meeting people for the first time can be a bit strange, but if they are with you, it's a lot easier AND you can try to see if their expressions show that they are interested in getting to know you. If your mother says that he wanted to talk to you, then maybe you should find out why. Perhaps your mother told him something about you that he thinks is interesting. Talk to her and see if you can meet this guy face to face!Help??advice pls??
    Why did your mum want you to speak with the guy to start with, and why did he want to get in touch with you? And what has this got to do with Japan?

    Modeling? Any information, experiance, advice, etc. would help!!?

    I'm 14 and my mom wants me to start modeling. I have absolutly no idea what to expect. How do you become a model? What are photo shoots like? How much do you make? What look is the 'model look'? ANY bit of information on this topic would be much appreciated!Modeling? Any information, experiance, advice, etc. would help!!?
    JRP, Barbizon, John Cassablanca all are modeling schools. Schools charge you large sums of money for training. They're job is to sell classes - not book work for models.

    If you want to get into modeling without shelling out tons of money find a local photographer to work with you to build a portfolio and then go look for a real agency (not a school). A great place to get started would be www.onemodelplace.com. It's a huge online community for the industry. As with anything on the Internet DO YOUR RESEARCH - check references and always bring an escort with you to any shoot.

    If you want more information feel free to contact me directly: jason@jazephotography.comModeling? Any information, experiance, advice, etc. would help!!?
    Well most models are very tall (5'0-5'8) and very thin, shoots are prob stressfull getting everything in place looking your best etc. (im not a model but i watchlots of shows) And becoming a model you must get a agent, they will look for jobs for you in such places as John Robert Power, Elite and so on.

    ';Help'; advice needed......?

    Help Help my 4 and just only 4 yr old daughter has just told me my fian'cee,s 13 yr old son has been touching her private parts and licking her also ...............IM 28 AND ME AND HIS MUM ARE SO ANGRY ,WE DONT KNOW WAT TO DO . I WANNA HAMMER HIM BUT I OBVIUSLY CANT DO THAT.....WE NEED ';ADVICE'; ASAP';Help'; advice needed......?
    If your question is serious, go to the police immediately. No use posting a question like this on here.';Help'; advice needed......?
    Thats not right at all!! He needs help...seriously!!!!!

    Tell your fella and then sit down in a calm (as calm as you can be in this situation!) and talk to the lad tell him how very, very wrong it is!!! And never ever leave your daughter with him or near him like that ever again!!! If you don't do something now and just let it pass HE will grow up to think its ok and who knows what he'll end up being or doing!!

    Also try and explain to your little girl that what he did was 'naughty' and that only her and her mummy or daddy or nanny etc are allowed down there and if ever ANYONE trys to do anything like that again she's to shout and tell you straight away, its difficult but try not to make it into a BIG thing for her coz of her age she'll think she's been naughty so be firm but tell her that you love her lots and lots and that she shouldnt worry but never to let anyone else do that again...Hope this all helps and good luck......x
    He is NEVER to be near your kids when another adult is not there. That won't work end - or your finacee has a problem with it end that relationship.
    Report it! If you don't, you are only telling your child that she does not matter and you don't want that. i understand he is a child also, but he is a predator and should be treated as one...Friends with his MOM or not, YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR CHILD FIRST. Get the police involved and be careful not to leave your daughter around anyone who might manipulate her memory about what he did to her!
    You do need help, so does your daughter and so does that thirteen year old boy. This need to be reported to the authorities adn NOW... this could do serios psychological damage to yoru daughter. Get her the help she is going to need and get the boy help..somthing has happened to him??????

    One more thing, dod you thank your daughter for telling you and praise her. Be very CAREFUL with your expression aroung your daughter about this...she could pick up some serious BLAME, SHAME AND GUILT
    kick his *** and take him to the police station, if you ring first to get some advice, they should just tell him off enough to scare his private parts off. then ban everything, mobile, playstation ipod etc etc!!
    Take her to a children's phsychologist before you do anything. Get a professional opinion on the best course of action.
    Sorry to say this, but he needs to be stopped and stopped now. You need to report this. Just imagine what could happen
    You need to report him to the police. I know it is hard but this is a child abuse case and these things need to be handled carefully.

    If you don't do this professionally - you will end up harming the case, if it goes to court.

    You need to report this - if you don't, you end up giving your daughter the impression it is ok for boys/men to do this.

    He needs help - there a chance he has been abused in past but even so, he should be shown this is wrong.

    Get on phone to police now.

    It not about loyalty - it is about protecting your daughter and other children.

    oh my god, this needs sorting out fast, contact socisl services for advice
    Report it to the police, they will know the best path to take, as he is 13 he can be arrested and charged. Tell your fiancee too and make sure that little brat never come near your daughter again! He's 13 so dont let his Dad give u any stuff about he didint know it was wrong etc... all 13 year olds know way too much when it come to sex. Make sure the little brat is punished suitably even if it means loosing ur fiancee. If u dont report him he may carry on doing this to other children. He is a sick boy and if i had my way would be castrated before he can do anymore damage!

    Help? Advice? Please?

    Ok I met this guy I work with a couple weeks ago. We hung out Thursday and ended up making out. He initiated it and I wasnt uncomfortable so I was okay with it. This is definately not an ordinary thing for me. I am a virgin so definately not easy. I just got along with him great and it felt right. However I have been questioning if it affected anything the past couple days. I saw him at work Saturday and Sunday and he did talk to me and went out of his way on breaks to come to my department to talk to me. He said he might call last night but he was tired. He didnt which was fine bc I was tired too. He hasnt called yet. We both are 20, work part time and go to school full time. Should I be worried yet? we were both sober. I dont want to call and seem desperate but dont want to seem uninterested either. Ah I sound like such a girl.Help? Advice? Please?
    This is just in the beginning stages so don't feel compelled to rush or hurry things. It will evolve as it is meant to evolve. The fact that you kissed him, demonstrated to him that you are interested. Plus he visited your department and talked with you and told you he would call if he was not too tired...so he is interested, and he knows you are...let it just be what it is going to be. It will be more relaxed and joyful that way..Help? Advice? Please?
    ring him and say hi... or wait until you next work together... go out and go further next time... :D
    just wait for about another day and then if there is still no word call when u no he will not be home and leave a message if he calls u back then he is interested if u c him at school or work stop and talk to him but dont seem desperate hope i hepled
    if he doesn't give you attention, don't give him attention. but if you rlly rlly like this guy, be straightforward with him and ask WHY? i didn't want to do this once but it worked out for me.

    Just call him out of the blue, sound friendly(not pushy) and just say that you were calling to see whats going on. Just see how things go from there.
    You just need to be patient. some people say:

    let one go, if he is yours them he will surely come back to you and if he doesn't them he was never urs.
    You are just having fun, everybody needs fun every once in a while.
  • green makeup
  • SWITCHING TO YAZ!? advice? experiences? help me?

    I've been on Loestrin24Fe for a month now, it went well for the most part, but made my skin much much worse.

    So my gyno. switched me onto Yaz.

    I'm a little iffy about taking this birth control, because well... i haven't been told much about it, and I would like to hear your experiences with this particular BC.

    Please help me out ladies, and thankss :)SWITCHING TO YAZ!? advice? experiences? help me?
    GOOD for you! Follow your gut!!! The Loestrin was aok, except for blemishes?? It's a tried and true, safe BC med. Ask your doc to prescribe a topical facial gel, called ';MINOCIN.'; Your skin will clear in a few days ans you'll avoid ALL the unfortunate info, recently and presently emerging, around ';YAZ.'; You're an intuitive woman.SWITCHING TO YAZ!? advice? experiences? help me?
    I've been on Yaz for a little over a year now and I really like it. I was on Yasmin, which made me super emotional and I hated it! Yaz cleared up my skin and I love it! I do cry a lot though.

    I need serious help/advice?

    I've been with this girl for almost 6 months now, but I'm not physicaly, or mentaly attracted to her anymore. I told her that, and she broke down. All we do is argue, and yell at eachother. nobody in my family likes her. My grandmother just passed away last Saturday, and one of her dieing wishes is for me to break up with her, and be happy... I've been trying to break up with her for about 2-3 months now, but she starts crying, and yelling at me... I'm going crazy. What should i do ???I need serious help/advice?
    Hi hon stop letting her control you with her crap, she knows what she is doing. And since you have done the right thing by being open and honest with her, and she still hangs on means she has got some bigggg problems. So tell her straight up again and add there are laws for harassment, and I intend to see that they are enforced if you don't move on. Then avoid her like the plague and if it really does not stop keep your word. Fatal attraction can make your life a living hell. You don't say how old the two of you are but you need to start letting people know what is going on for your own well being.I need serious help/advice?
    Its as easy as just saying its over! if youu really wanted too break-up with her it wouldnt be hard!
    you told her it is over that is all you can do stop letting her back in you are sending mix messages stand by your choice and do not give in good luck
    just break up

    she just won't give up

    don't be dragged down bc she won't let you go
    Break up with her. Don't let her talk you into staying in a relationship where you're unhappy.

    I know it probably sounds cruel, but if she doesn't seem to get the message then avoid her. Don't answer her phone calls or e-mails. Block her screen name. Eventually she'll leave you alone.
    break up with her.
    If your not dating, it shouldnt matter if shes pissed at you, unless yall are friends or something.

    If all yall do is argue, just break up.

    Do it easily though.

    I know if I only argued with my boyfriend, Id like to break up with him.
    She manipulates you with her emotional reactions. You need to stand up for yourself and go for more satisfying individuals.

    Satisfying... in the emotional sense. If you can't get along with someone outside of sex, they'll only make your life miserable.
    tell her wat u told us. tell her ur really sorry but u cant do it anymore. be nice and tell her that ur really sorry but u cant go on.
    Umm change your number

    change your locks

    You need to be strong and end it. Make a clean break and eventually she will get over it and both of you can move on. If you continue to feel sorry for her, it will make it harder on both of you.
    Kick her out if it is your place....If not leave.....Get yer $hit and go!!! Real Simple!!! If you dont have a permanent place to go....see if you can shack up with a buddy temporarily. If you have good friends someone will help. Otherwise if she is staying in your place tell her to leave. If she doesnt....call the authorities!! Done deal!!!
    Break up with her.

    Tell her you want to be friends; but if shes always gonna cry around you, that you don't think you can even be friends.

    She'll get it through her head.
    just break up with her. its better for the both of you. hopefully she doesn't stalk you
    your grandmother wants her gone so be it
    She is getting her way by manipulating you with her tears and crying and yelling. As long as that is working, she is going to keep it up. Maybe you could write her a letter (return receipt requested to insure that she gets the letter - AND if she claims she never got the letter, then you have proof that she did.) The beauty of a letter is that a letter can't talk back. She can cry and yell at home. Maybe by the time that she confronts you about it - and no doubt this crazy daisy will - she will have SOME measure of composure. You don't have to be mean and it is best if you aren't. Let her know that this is it! Tell her you wish her all the happiness in the world and that you know that she will meet the right person who will be all that she desires. And assure her that you are not that person. Let her know without a doubt that you are sure of your heart. Tell her that to pursue this relationship any longer is not fair to either one of you because your heart is not in it. Let her know that you will begin to consider dating other Acknowledge her pain and insure her that was never your intention to hurt her, but that unfortunately, there just doesn't seem to be any other way for the two of you to go except separate ways. Reiterate that you do not have any feelings of love in your heart for her as a girlfriend and therefore there is nothing left to pursue and that it is best for both of you to move on with your lives. You may want to tell her that you will no longer be accepting phone calls from her and that she may contact you by US mail.

    You need to make a clean break from her. She may really be in love with you and losing you is akin to a death. Dragging it out is making it more of a painful process than necessary. You know that you are not going to feel about her in the way that you thought you did at one time, so drop the hatchet and let her go. She will survive and she will find someone else and hopefully she will find the right person.

    Don't waste your time or hers any longer. Just be strong - not cruel or hurtful - but very decisive. And move on with your life and don't allow her any room to torture you OR herself!
    I think you should sit down and have a long talk with her. You should be alone, and preferably at her house, so she doesn't feel any more hated that she will when you tell her.

    Just ask her for a break, to see other people. Promise her you can still spend time with each other, and that you won't just leave her in the dust, because thats one of the things we girls are most afraid of- being left alone when we need someone.

    If she starts crying, give her a hug, and tell her not to worry, that there's definately someone out there who will fall for her, and that when that happens, he'll make her forget all about you.

    She'll probably deny it, tell you she can't live without you, or some other tactic to make you feel sorry for her and not leave her. Don't fall for it, just reassure her that there are better guys out there than you. I know its harsh, but it does work.

    Good luck. ^.^
    just be like its over yo leave me alone say your grandma wanted it and your just tryin to fulfill he last wish

    Prego at 18 help! advice please!?

    i have been on the pill and been caught out help dont no what to do??Prego at 18 help! advice please!?
    Shouldn't Have Done It.Prego at 18 help! advice please!?
    No matter what everyone says, this generation is having sex younger and younger. People are going to tell you that you shouldn't be having sex, or you should have waited until your married, but the fact is that 95% of the population has sex way before they get married. The choice is yours, to keep your baby or not to. I personally don't believe in abortions but i also don't preach it. Only you will know if you are ready to have that baby. I got pregnant at 17, and I made the choice to never have an abortion. Although I wasn't completely sure i was ready to raise a child, I did it, and I am doing it. My son's father left me when I was 3 months pregnant. I raised my son completely by myself for 3 years, and no im not on food stamps and welfare, and no im not a stripper or hooker lol, I make ends meet no matter what. A year ago I met a wonderful guy who now is a great father to my son. I am 21 and we are now trying for our second child. Having a child makes you grow up a lot faster. In no way am I saying it was easy, actually it was very hard, but I wouldn't change anything at all. I have the greatest little boy anyone could ever ask for! Good luck, I'm here to talk!
    You'll be ok I had my daughter at 17. It isn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Now it is easy my any means, but it can be done. My daughters father, and I are still together, and provide out daughter everything. We dont get help from the government or our parents. Everything we have we earned our selves. I am in college now,and her works. Just beleive in yourself, and now that your baby is your everything. Dont let people get you down. you can email me if you ever want to talk.

    congrats, and good luck.
    Go to a local pregnancy center. They can confirm pregnancy and even let you hear the heartbeat. There you can get information about your options. Every life is important in my opinion. If you want to keep the baby trust me it is possible. Plenty of resources out there.
    Call a dr. and go from there, why panic now?? plenyt of people want babies that cant, if you can't handle it give this baby to people who can care for it and keep your legs shut!
    i 19 and want a baby with my husband i keep having miscarriages so be happy and then they should have used a condom it still happens
    Do not have an abortion no matter what.

    You should have thought about this before having marriage before sex :)
    I will adopt your baby, no questions asked...
    Contact your local Planned Parenthood.

    How do you know you are pregnant? did you take a test?

    I need toy help /advice please ):?

    i like him but hes taken :( theyve been going out like 2 months .

    Is there anything i can do? :( lol xI need toy help /advice please ):?
    Toy help? I think something went wrong in the translation here ....

    Oh right ..... yes, there is something you can do ... go find a nice unattached fella who can commit to you without having to dump anyone .....I need toy help /advice please ):?
    ust wait for him and if they ever brake up you could be the shoulder to cry on answer mine? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>
    Whats this got to do with toys

    Boy Rat trouble Help advice!!?

    I have a boy black and white rat called Ratty but he can't keep still i love him but i don't want to shout at him. i got him a Rat Ball but he doesn't like it so i don't put him in does he want somthing? He has a big cage.Boy Rat trouble Help advice!!?
    Rats are very smart, energetic, and fun creatures! Every rat has a different personality, some rats love the ball while others hate it! Since rats are such active and smart pets they probally don't wanna be locked up in a ball; he wants a big open area to play in. I let my rat run around my bath tub but most of the time, with my supervision of course, I'll let her run around my kitchen. It's a small enclosed area where there are no cracks or holes for her to sneak through, find a place like that for your rat! (even a play pen would work!)

    Also, the more you hold and spend time with your rat, the more your rat will sit still and enjoy being with you and being held. %26lt;3

    I need some help/advice, please.?

    Alright, so ..all the hair on my eyebrows goes to the right, as everyone elses. but close to the middle on both sides, the hair sticks straight out almost. how do i fix this? no, i'm not gay. i just don't think girls find it very attractive. and don't tell me to shave it..it just wouldnt look rightI need some help/advice, please.?
    Trim it would be the first step. You could use a bit of eyebrow gel (or hair gel actually) to tame it as well, and wetting your eyebrows is a good quick fix but it wont work for more than 5 minutes. Good luck!I need some help/advice, please.?
    all you have to do is get a trimmer and trim that part that ticks up... what i do to mine...i comb my eye brows up and i trim the hairs that are longer than others and the ones i dont want there... its not easy to explain but i do hope you know what i mean..but yeah whatever you do, DONT SHAVE...thats wicked ugly, especial when it grows back...
    I wouldn't shave it but you can buy actual eyebrow scissors and trim it and make it natural looking. or wet your eyebrowns and push to the right whats sticking out while its drying so it dries in that direction.
    i wouldnt shave or wax

    just get the area you want threaded its quick, effective and not noticable

    hope i helped xxx
    Apply a little bit of gel and if it still sticks out, trim it with scissors.
    You could pluck it or wax it, but plucking it is better. Than use hairspray to smooth it down.
    Trim them or pluck some of them.
    you could always try hairspray....i can't think of anything else...hehehe
    ummm...comb it with an eyebrow comb?
  • green makeup
  • Cutting problem...please help....advice.....?

    i am 15 and was raped for two years by my step-brother...my mother died when i was 2 my dad knows that i am going threw hell but refuses to get me help....i have severe depression...and my dad took my pills away because i tried overdosing...now i have a really horrible problem with cuttin myself...i just cant stop...i do it all the time...even if im not sad....i really need help...all i think about is dieing...although i am moving away with my aunt tmr....but i know that my prob. will not stop....and i dont want to tell because they WILL send me away...please help.Cutting problem...please help....advice.....?
    Professional help will not do anything, I had a girlfriend in your same perdicament, she was raped by a boy for a year, and her mom abused her constantly, the thing you need is a boyfriend like me, I am always there. Never taking the positive attention off of you no matter what, she sometimes would yell and scream at me, and during it start crying but still yelling, which let me know that she was not mad just she could not control it, so she would still be yelling and yelling, and I would get closer and closer... and just take a hold of her and hug her, she would hit me and say stop i can deal with it myself and I would not let go np matter what. Then finnaly she would just cry... She told me when I had to move away, that me being there and not letting her do stuff changed her life complletely, you need someone that is always there in a positive way, no matter what your mood. And i just wish I was there to help, but find a real nice boyfriend, and trust me things will change.Cutting problem...please help....advice.....?
    First of all what your step-brother did was not your fault and you do not need to punish yourself. Physical pain is easier to bear and for people to understand as it can be seen and requires looking after. Emotional pain is not 'seen' by others it still needs looking after though.

    If you feel/think you can not talk to anyone find a Rape Crisis Counselling Centre and talk with them they are trained to help people through traumatic events like you have survived.

    Why would they send you away? This sounds more like the message your step-brother threatened you with so you would not inform on him. It is time for you to be brave, take hold of your life and seek the professional help I have suggested.

    Many women have survived this type of trauma and live happy fullfilling lives and you can too. I am not saying it goes away from your memory you learn how to put it into a perspective that you can live with.

    You also need to consider if you want to bring about legal charges against your step-brother. Males of this type do not just do what he did to you, multiple rape, he just keeps looking for the next young victim. You have the power to report him and that is what he took from you. Your power to make decisions from a good base that is why you are making unhealthy choices now.

    Please see a counsellor and reclaim your life back, who knows you may educate yourself to be able to help and speak out for those who can not speak out for themselves.

    I am so sorry you are having to endure this however, don't let him win by hurting yourself or being down on yourself. You are a lovely young lady on the first part of your life's journey and you can make it happier from now.

    Seek counselling is the first step to the 'you' you know that lives inside and is capable of being happy.

    Best wishes and a big sack full of Aussie hugs.
    Sounds like your home life sucks. How can being sent away be worse? Maybe it would be the start of a new life.
    Get professional counseling. If your father won't help, perhaps your aunt will. Also, maybe your school system can point you to resources.

    I need ur help/advice...girls please?

    Im 17, and I've been friends with this girl for a little over a year now and I really like her alot (shes the girl of my dreams) and i took her to my junior prom. The only thing is that I never told her how i felt cuz i didnt want to risk our friendship,and im also very shy, and now she dosent talk to me as much as she used to. People having been telling me to give up cuz its too late, but I cant. What should I do?I need ur help/advice...girls please?
    Well, if you say she's the girl of her dreams, don't let her get off that easy. Call her, talk to her, start up the friendship again. Tell her how you feel, and even if it doesn't work out, you'll feel better knowing that you gave it a shot. I hope for the best for you guys, I really do : ).I need ur help/advice...girls please?
    I know it will be difficult yet you need to talk to her.

    Before you do, you can plan out what you want to say and just be honest. Express how you feel to her and explain it.

    Just think of it this way, if you don't try, you will never know. Also, I know this is cliche but you don't want to keep thinking ';what if.';
    You should talk to her...don't let it slip away then you will always think back and regreat it. If she doesn't feel the same way let it be, there plenty of fish in the sea.
    Just tell her how you feel, all she can say is she doesnt feel the same..Then you can move on at least you tried..Good Luck
    dude. NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP ON A CHICK. I deeply regret never taking the plunge and i was in the same situation as you! Don't screw yourself cause if you don't talk to her that's all you'll be doing
    if you don't tell her you'll never know. You said she doesn't talk to you much now...if you tell her either things will stay as they are or she might like you back.
    Send her a cute card telling her you still have great memories of the prom. Your shyness might lead her to think you are the one not interested. Wait and see if she responds. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Good luck.
    you knw whats funny? i am kind of in the same situation...i am also shy to tell this guy that i like him...well ur lucky atleast u toked to her i havent ever said a word to the guy i like cuz i am so shy...just tell her you like her before she slips out of your hands! dont lose this chance of telling her or u will never get to. I am trying my best to tell the guy i have a crush on how much i lyk him =) hope all goes well! good luck!
    well if ya went tp junior prom togther maybe talking to her is ok .......have a try but always give her time and ready to face the truth
    that happened to me!

    but i was the girl in the situation...

    i think u should go for it....but make sure u wont hurt her in thv future...my ex......like u, was totally in love with me, and it turns out i was too...he said hed never leave me....and then he did, for a really stupid reason........he felt the same way about me as u do about this girl.......same situation, except im 15, and hes 16......but thv thing is, we stayed friends.....so dont worry. if u really like her a lot, u should go for it! =]
    It is never too late to plow (means keep trying). Only waiting to find the answer keeps u longing at the edge of your seat. Longing and missing are just gonna create negative emotions for you until you pull the trigger. Once you have pulled the trigger you will feel perhaps sadness at worst which you can get over. But more likely, in your situation, relief happiness and glory. If she went with u to junior prom and u failed to pull the trigger then she became upset and lessened your friendship, it is quite obvious that she liked you. Seize that moment before she is over you. You have a lot to tell her if you want and don't let her slip out of ur hands without even reaching. In fact, even if she has slipped you would be suprised what a lil game will do for you. There will be other girls you swear are your dream girls, but why let this one slip away without a fight
    Well from a guy doing the same thing to me!

    ya don't give!!!!! up

    she just mite like u and u don't know it thats why

    u gotta put ur shyness away!!

    u mite just of found some one for you and u don't wanna

    give that up do u!

    Sooo get to talking to her again ask her out for a movie

    dinner anything! just be urself u never know what can happend!!!!!

    Good!! Luck!!
    Pluck up the courage to tell her. If you really liked her, tell her before it's too late. Then wait for her answer. If she wouldn't like it, matbe she needs space. But I don't think that would happen, and I hope not. You're her friend and it's not bad to tell her that. I wish you would succeed. Good Luck!
    Try to get it back to where it was...

    If u can't do that tell her what u feel any way you can, and then give her time to process....

    And a while after that confront her...
    When you've found the One, you've found the One. Chase after her. It doesn't matter if you're shy or not, this is the girl of your dreams you're talking about! Don't let her slip through your fingers!

    Talk to her. It's tough, but tell her about your feelings. In fact, say almost exactly what you posted.

    ';We've been friends for over a year now and I really like you. I never told you because I'm shy and I didn't want to risk our friendship... but I needed to tell you.';

    Obviously, it should be paraphrased and spoken naturally, not rehearsed. And make sure it comes from the heart! =]

    I hope it all turns out well! Don't let your shyness overcome your feelings.

    God bless!
    please dont post the same question
    This is a complicated question. Its happened to me. We saw each other everyday for a long time and became good friends. It started just as regular friends, I never saw anything special in her until spending a lot of time with her seeing who she really was. Then one night I told her how I felt and she didn't talk to me for a month. After that I talked to her once a month for 2-3 months, then, we just quit talking. We didn't really talk again for about 1.5 - 2 years. And are just now beginning to hang out again (2 weeks ago I believe). That's just what happened to me. Your story might be different. It just depends if you see signals from her saying she likes you. Its 50/50.

    Mother-in-law help/advice PLEASE?

    Sorry if this is long. I posted a question about a month ago about my mother in law on x-mas day she kicked me out of her house, pushed me when I tried taking my daughter with me %26amp; then threatened to take my daughter away(through courts although she will never get her because she has a sexual misconduct on her record). Anyway last night she called my husband and told him that I need to forget what happened, get over it and start talking to her. I told my husband that I will not forget, how am I suppose to forget someone kicking me out of their house, pushing me and then threatening to take my child away. My husband told his mother that I am not going to talk to her %26amp; he isn't going to make me, so than she said well I better start getting to see my granddaughter every sunday or I will show up at your house at 6 everynight. I agreed to let her take her on sunday feb 4th even though it was against my better judgement. Also she threatened to take us to court again. What would you do?Mother-in-law help/advice PLEASE?
    I would never let her see my child again, until she apologized and proved that she can act like an adult. What is her reasons for acting this way? Why would she kick you out of her house? I am sure there are two sides to this story, but bottom line...Your child, not hers.

    If she shows up at your house, tell her to leave and if she refuses, call the police. Have her removed for trespassing. She sounds like a nutcase.

    OK I just read your other question from a month ago. Based upon her criminal history, I would not let my child near her.. PERIOD. Let her take you to court, she'll just look like the nut case that she is.Mother-in-law help/advice PLEASE?
    get a restraining order. Your daughter does not need to be around a menacing woman like that. She is YOUR daughter and YOU make the decisions on her well being. I'm glad your hubby stood up to her in some way by letting her know that you will not be speaking to or forgetting her behavior. What is she going to take you to court for? As long as you and your husband take proper care of your child, grandparents really have no say in anything. I strongly suggest a restraining order so that if this mad woman decided to be a bully you have grounds to have her removed. It's in your and your child's best interest to let the authorities know what's going on before she looses her mind and kidnaps your child or tried to fight with you in front of your child.

    You're a grown woman with a child ... don't take BS from anyone. Good Luck.
    You have every right to keep your daughter away from this obviously unstable person. If she threatens to take you to court, let her try, her record alone will stop any judge from granting her visitation rights. I would also file a restraining order, she did physically assault you.
    Why in the world would you let someone who has a sexual misconduct record be alone your child? I wouldn't let her see the child alone ever! If your husband wants to let her see his daughter at a park or McDonalds or Chuck E Cheese while he is there then I would allow it, otherwise, forget it. She should not have unsupervised visits with her grandchild. She sounds unstable and your daughter needs to be protected. If you don't protect your child, who will? Your husband is right to stand up for you and not allow his mother to treat you this way. You are not required to let her see her granddaughter every Sunday or at all. This is your child and your husband should tell his mother that we will not put up with her behavior and won't allow her to be alone with his child and if this type of behavior continues then he won't allow her to see his daughter until she gets help (counseling). This is going to be hard for your husband, but if he doesn't stand up to her now, she'll be calling the shots and blackmailing you forever. If she shows up at your house, your husband will need to tell her that this isn't a good time for a visit and shut the door. Don't get sucked into a fight. Be direct and assertive. Good Luck!
    You need to set some rules and boundaries. Maybe you and your husband need to stay away from your mother-in-law. I wouldn't let her take your daughter especially if you don't feel comfortable about it. I think you need to tell your mother-in-law to respect your decisions and set some rules with her and if she doesn't follow them then she doesn't have the right to take your daughter.
    i would not let her see my child. my ex's mother threatened the same thing when we split up. well i stood my ground, she took me to court and lost(she had public drunk and several dui's on her record) and I haven't seen or heard from my ex MIL since then and she or her sorry @ss son still have no rights and don't see my son. good luck hun!!!!!
    Tell her that you will set the rules and boundaries and if she doesn't like it and threats court, tell her you'll see her there. She has no right to say those things to you and maybe even talk to a lawyer to see what you can do that she has no say so over, like maybe ';You can see her this many times a month'; and if she says no, at least she cant say you didn't try and work something out. I hope everything works out well and I wish you all the luck in the world, because you will need it!! Good luck.
    She has no right to see your child with a sexual misconduct charge on her record. Put your foot down. I don't care how ';minor'; of a charge it may have been or under what circumstances, NO ONE with any violent offense or sexual offense of ANY type would be NEAR my children.

    You need to lay the law down and stick up for yourself and your child. Your child is more important than this nightmare of a MIL. If she continues harassing you, document it. If she comes over uninvited, have her removed for trespass. Then get a restraining order against this psycho.

    Grandparents rights fall on the wayside when it comes to a mentally disturbed individual that has a record of any type of sex crime.

    Something you are failing to see is that your MIL has a SEX CRIME on her record. She WILL NEVER get custody of ANY child if the judge has a single brain cell between his ears. STAY AWAY from her and keep your daughter away from her!
    mother in laws can be a pain I have one myself who did not want me to get pregnant because she said children are hard to take care of she raised my husband on her own. In fact she wanted my husband to get sterilized and we both told her no its are choice not hers. now that I'm 36 weeks pg shes all happy and is telling us were going to be good parents. But on the other hand i can understand where she is coming from my husband and I both have a ld so it may be hard but we can learn and are ld is not a serve one. The best way to handle your mother in law is what someone else has said sent the ground rules. But my question in why did she throw you out that does not sound right nor does it sound like someone I want to leave my child with for a while. why would she want to take you to court just because she can't see her grandchild or is another reason. If its because she cant her her grandchild then that will not hold up in court and especially when she has that sexual misconduct on her record.
    first i do agree with you i would not talk to her or let her see the kids. now for the legal side depending on what state you live in there are laws providing for the grandparents to have visit ation with their grandchildren so you should look up the laws for the state you live in
    With this type of behavior I would take HER to court. She has no reason to act this way towards you. Unless you have done something to fear the courts finding I would have my butt down there ASAP! She shouldn't be bullying you like this. Kids learn by example. Is she the example you want your daughter to learn from?
    this woman is trying to bully you do not give in to this woman's demands she is your child and you decide when she will see her not the other way around and remember this woman kicked you out of her house in front of your daughter if she comes to your house every night at 6 phone the police and have her removed if you give in her her over this she will make your life a misery. Make a record of her behavior and if she threatens the court again say OK if that's the way you want it
    i know you probly dont want to hear anything negative but i had something similar happen with one of my kids...i let him go stay the weekend with his grandparents (my ex in laws) andnevergot him back..they filed for guardinship and got it now i can only see him when they say so and on their conditions..alot of it probly depends on what state you live in i dont know for sure how much state laws differ from one another but until the problem is resolved i would tell her she can come to your house and see your daughter for a little bit if you are worried that she might take her...i know when it happened to me the cops wouldnt even help because it was a civil matter and said i would have to wait for court...good luckwith your decision
    Oh, he__ no! I have been in the same situation with my mother in law. You have a good husband if he isn't trying to make you get along with his mother. First of all, you carried that child for nine months and I'm sure is the care giver most of the time. Don't ever forgive someone who treated you that way because when you do she will act that way again. Especially if she thinks that she can act that way and still be apart of you and your childs life. Cut all ties and put your foot down or she will control you. Who does she think she is threatening to take YOUR child. She has no rights in court so go ahead and tell her to get lost and some really good advice, let your husband have a relationship with her but you and your child need to pretend she doen't exist. People like that are a waste of space and need to be knocked down a notch. My sons ex-grandmother hasn't seen or talked to us in 2 years and it has been great!No more threats,nothing. It would be a cold day in he__ before my baby's daddy's momma ever tried taking my child and treating me like crap,especially with a record like that and would ever see me or my child again. And thank God for caller ID, she calls and I hand the phone right to his father and when he goes and sees her, he goes alone. And no, she can't come to my house,she lost that priveledge when she disrespected me. Your child will truly be the one to pay in the end if you let her have anything to do with that whole situation.
    Well, I definitely wouldn't have her around my child until she displayed some amount of sanity! She sounds like a lunatic. Sexual misconduct? On her record? Should your child really be around ANYONE with a record? Especially someone who mistreats you? Let her take you to court, who cares, she won't win anything. She can come over at 6 all she wants, doesn't mean you have to answer the door. She needs mental help. Til she gets it, if I were you, I wouldn't let her around the child.
    This monster-in-law has serious violence issues. You should not let your daughter even near her untill this lady gets some help. She may have something that the Psych Industry calls ';Domestic Terrorist Syndrome';. This is a condition where a person had a disruptive childhood and tries to recreate it in their adult environment. This is often associated with being a control freak. At any rate, there is no ';forgetting about what happened';. It will be repeated.
    first of all, good for your husband. most men would try to MAKE you talk to their mommy's! second, she has no legal rights in court. grandparents have no rights. maybe you could get a lawyer to tell her that. plus she would just look like an idiot with the sexual misconduct on her record. so i wouldn't worry about that. she is trying to control you. you haven't been letting you and so she is trying to find ways to manipulate and control you. i think you are being too kind letting her take your daughter without you or your husband being present. you deserve an apology, then MAYBE i would let her visit your daughter with you or your husband present. she will probably try to fill your daughters head with a bunch of lies about you. if your daughter comes back and tells you that she said things, i would not let her see her alone again. personally she would never see me again. if my hubby wanted to take our kids to see his mom, that would be fine. mother-in-laws?! what did we ever do to them! lol! good luck!
    Depends on what state you live in. Should she see her grandchild...maybe. Some states don't recognize grandparents rights. You could take your child and never let her see her and it wouldn't be an issue. BUT, instead, I would tell your husband to take her. He can stay there with the child so that you know that no one is going to take her. They can stay a few hours and then leave. Set up a schedule for like every OTHER Sunday or whatever. I am glad to see that your husband is supporting your choices!! I would move as far as is humanly possible away from this person. Get a P.O. Box so she doesn't have your address when you move. As long as you are a decent parent she can't take your child. Try to stay away from this toxic person!!
    Me and my mother in law went through the same thing! We only talk bc she is my husbands mother!! She threatened to take my son away!! but she has 2 cps cases that took place in her home so I know that wont happen! I let her see our son about once a month but most of the time my husband takes him over and stays with him!! My husband knows that the only reason I started being civil towards her is bc she is his mother and my kids grandmother!!
    I would have my husband take her to his Mothers house when she goes. Then you dont have to worry about her welfare when she is with this person who doesnt sound too stable.
    I would tell her that she needs to start behaving like a responsible adult or you will not be able to trust her with your daughter. Also she needs to apologise and respect you and your parenting or she should not be able to see the child. And if she threatens to take her again you need to let her know that you will get a restraining order against her if you have reason to worry about her taking your child. Also as long as you and your hubby are still together she can not sue you for any visitation or custody. Grandparents rights apply to grandparents when their child has gotten divorced and lost custody of their grandchild but still wants them to have a relationship with their grandparents.
    You and your husband must sit down with your in-laws and have a frank talk.Let your mother-in-law know that if she wishes to continue a relationship with your family that she must follow some basic acts of respect.Let her know she is the grandparent not the parent.Remind her that it is her actions and behaviour that is responsible for her not seeing her grand daughter.Grandparents can be valuable in the raising of children, but they must respect the parents and know that they are in charge. Grandma also needs to know that by shoving you out the door that your daughter may not want a relationship with her. Uttering threats is not productive either.Grandma cannot erase the memory she left with your daughter.Hopefully you can all try live in harmony,life is too short to waste squabling.
    Relax words and threats are a form of scare tactics on her part... I can tell you the court system has more important problems and her threats could wind up coming back to bite her in the azz . she isn't their legal guardians and visitation is at this time a courtesy on your part... the courts look at the best interest of the child not the grandparent.
    why don't you set some rules...

    you will agree to see her and let your daughter see her on the following conditions....

    be strong

    dont settle for anythign short of what you want and expect for your children. you are the mother - and need to be strong
    I don't know a lot about the Grandparent's Right thing but I do know that it only says that they get to see them, not that you have to allow the grandparent to take the child anywhere.

    Why put up with this... if your husband wants his mother to see this child let him take her over to visit. I would not allow her there without either your or his supervision.

    Your responsibility is to your daughter and her well being if Grandma is a threat then limit the contact.

    If she shows up uninvited ask her to leave, call the cops, charge her with trespassing or disturbing the peace or whatever. If she has struck you...get a restraining order.
    That's a tough one! What kind of adult would act that way in front of her grandchild??? If your husband told her that ';he's not going to make you'; (talk to her) then it speaks a great deal about how he really feels. He is standing up for you just as he should - being your husband.

    Just because you agreed to let her take your daughter on Feb 4th doesn't mean that you're bound to that decision. If you feel like she might not be good for your little girl to be alone with, then my biggest advise is to NOT let her go with grandmonster.

    If she's been charged with sexual misconduct in her past, then she's always going to be on record for that.

    If she threatens to take you to court, let her try. It's only going to cost her alot of money and she'll never win.

    So she threatened to show up at your house each night at 6:00. Big deal. Let her!!!! Let her come over and over again and file police reports for harassment.

    She pushed you on Christmas when you tried to take your little girl with you. THAT is physical assault. You could have pressed charges against her.

    She sounds like a big witch that is trying to blow a bunch of smoke up your @$$. Don't allow her to frighten you with threats to take your child. Do you have any idea how hard it would be for her to do that???

    What i'm worried about is the thought of her getting her on the 4th of Feb. and taking off with her.

    I would only allow her to see your daughter if you and your husband are present. She sounds unstable and violent.

    Don't let your little girl go with her on the 4th....i've got a bad feeling about that!!!!!

    Like I said, if she follows through with her threat to show up every night, then call the cops each and every time. There will be a stack of reports on her.

    She can't get your baby girl. Don't let her get to you like that.

    As long as your husband is standing with you and standing up for you, things will be just fine.
    She sounds like a nutbag. I'd stay away from her. If she doesn't get to see her granddaughter, it's her own fault. She should know better than to act that way. She may run off with your kid; I wouldn't allow her to see the child. Your first priority is your daughter's safety, not your crazy mother-in-law's feelings. Good for your husband for supporting you in this! If she does show up at your house at 6 like she said, just lock the door. And if she makes a scene, call the cops.
    Let her take you to court. There is nothing legally that says you have to let your child see her grandparents. nothing. And if she shows up at your house every night, then that's harassment. She will have more then a sexual misconduct on her record. She sounds crazy! i wouldn't let my child anywhere near her. She is probably telling your daughter how your a bad mother or some other B.S. Your Husband needs to tell his mother about her self! pronto!
    Proceed with caution. Your husband should stand his ground and tell her that she can see her grand daughter, but that you don't want to associate with her - right now. I would suggest that you keep your comments about his mother and your daughter's grandmother to a minimum. It hurts people regardless of their relationship with their family member.

    Anyway, you are hurt, however, maybe it is time to heal. Although she did display anger and craziness, she could have changed. Let your guard down and maybe start the process of healing. Give her another chance, that's what forgiveness is about. We all want to be forgiven, so forgive. Just remember that in the future, she will always be the type of mother who needs boundaries.
    I'd call a lawyer and ask to come in for a consultation, ask what your legal rights are and what you can do from a legal standpoint. Does this grandmother have any legal stance to keep making threats. If your mother were to call CAS or something and lie about you, then you'd have previous record at least stating that she's made these threats and her testimony (her lie) wont stand up in court. I'd also be frightened she'd take your daughter for the one night and you go to pick them up and she's taken off with her. If she's going to threaten to take her away, you can't trust she's going to do the right thing. Long story short it sounds to me like she's a little unstable and that it might be time to get a third party involved, just in case... for the safety of your daughter.
    I would tell your husband that if she doesn't stop all this nonsense that you will get an anti-harassment order against her. I do not know the whole story but I would cut the ties with her. Do things on your own and stand on your own two feet that way she won't be able say or do anything. I was in a situation with another family that wasn't good for me and it took me seven years to leave. I am much better and able to heal after everything they put me through. Sometimes you really can't see clearly until after you have been gone for a while. I have been gone for 1.5 years and I can tell you that I am in shock that I was ever there in the first place. Your child deserves a better life than being surrounded by drama!

    Help advice needed doctors maybe...?

    okay so my bff is complaining to me about her boobs as she is a A cup and is asking me to give her advice on how to make them bigger without push up bras, i dont know what to tell her and she is really not happy as she gets bullied because oh her little bust so are there any exercises, remedies, home recipes, anything and secrets pleaseHelp advice needed doctors maybe...?
    Breast enhancement exercises are perhaps the cheapest and most natural method for promoting breast growth although they require a dedicated approach to make them work.

    The most popular breast enhancement exercise is a push-up. Here鈥檚 the right way to do push-ups:

    1) Lie facing down on your stomach on a flat surface

    2) Bend your knees and cross your ankles.

    3) Now start bending your elbows while keeping your palms in line with your shoulders.

    4) Remaining balanced on your palms and elbows raise your body - keeping your ankles crossed. This way, you don't raise too much weight. Don't straighten your elbows when raising the body - it may cause damage to your joints.

    5) Slowly lower your entire body, but don't lie down. You should decrease the angle only until your arms become in line with the floor.

    You should try to repeat push-ups ten times, gradually increasing the repetitions as you get stronger.

    Breast enhancement exercises, like any form of exercise, should be performed in sportswear, on a comfortable flat surface. If done without caution, these exercises can strain the muscles, so speak to your doctor first if you have any concerns. Don't push yourself too hard, and stop immediately if you feel unwell, be it pain or tension. Performing these breast enhancement exercises daily, or at least two to three times a week should help you achieve more round ';perky'; breasts. Plus, it has the added benefit of strengthening your back muscles to help improve your posture, too.

    Following an exercise regime that includes push-ups you can also use breast enhancement creams and pills. When all the breast enhancement techniques are used in conjunction with each other, you can achieve optimal results

    Here are a few other exercises........

    Pec Press: Using three-to five-pound weights, lie on your back, with knees bent. With your arms outstretched to each side, slowly bring your arms together, hold for one second and then slowly lower your arms again. Work your way up to three sets of 10 - 12 reps every other day.

    Butterfly Press: Using two three to five-pound weights, sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight and arms at your sides. Slowly raise your arms to the side to shoulder level. Hold this position for a count of four, and then slowly return to starting position. Work your way up to three sets of five to seven reps every other day.

    Wall ups: These are done by standing about two feet from a wall, facing it. Place your hands at chest level flat against the wall. Now, lean slowly toward the wall using your arm and chest muscles to control your motion until you have your nose against the wall.

    Push back to your original position. Repeat this motion 15 times. To increase the effects of this exercise, when you reach the point of lean that stresses the chest muscles most (you'll feel it), pause and hold for a count of 10 or 15, then finish the motion.

    Pectoral Push-Ups: Lie face down on the floor and raise up, as if doing conventional push-ups, but keep your forearms and elbows on the floor. Hold for thirty seconds. Repeat five times. Inverted Push Ups: Stand with your legs two to three feet from a wall and your palms on the wall. Slowly lower your chest to the wall by bending your elbows and then slowly push your body back to starting position. Repeat 10-12 times

    A few yogas are as follows..they are good for your breast as well as ur spine...


    Stand straight with your feet shoulder apart. Raise your arms to shoulder level, elbows bent so that your hands are in front of your chest and your elbows are the same height as the shoulder. Bend the wrist upwards slightly and spread the fingers of your hands. Imagine that you are pressing both hands against a solid object-hold the muscles of the hands, forearms, upper arm and chest region as tightly as if to rush the object you are holding. Focus your eyes in the space between your hands. Hold this position for 20 seconds, muscles as tight as possible, and repeat 3 to 5 times.


    Stand straight with your feet shoulder apart. Extend your arms behind your back and interlock your fingers. This is the starting position. Bend forward from the hips, and at the same time, raise your arms behind your back as high as possible, without straining. Use your arms to accentuate the stretch to the shoulders and chest. Look forward with your face parallel to the floor. Hold for 30 seconds before returning to the upright position and relaxing your arms. Repeat 3 to 5 times

    Sajah Stabdhasana

    Sit in vajrasana (sit on your legs, with legs touching the ground), look forward and hold your arms straight on the sides so that they are in line at the shoulder level. Stretch your hands backwards as though to touch the back of the palms together. Keep your back straight and your head and neck in line with the body. Hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat 3 to 5 times.


    Lie on your stomHelp advice needed doctors maybe...?
    When she meets the RIGHT guy, he'll think that her bust size is perfect just as it is.

    If she attracts the attention of any guy BECAUSE of her bust size, it will likely be an attraction that she will regret.

    There are lots of men out there who prefer smaller (especially natural) breasts. Your friend should be confident in her individuality and not feel like she has to conform to what other people want. She is who and what she is, and that should be enough.
    Tell her not to worry about it it just takes time . Everyones body is different some girls breast grow fully at 10 (my sister !!!) and some go into there late teens before they fully delvope .So just be patient .

    Also dont let anyones opinion effect your opinion of yourself . So just tell her her to keep her head up high and just let time take its place . Guys arent into her because she is giving off a self concious vibe .

    What she can do is wear padded bras that knock her up at least a size . Also rufffles are really in now so shirts with alot of volume near her top make her look bigger .

    bikinis that she should go for

    Make sure you pick the right swim suit for her shape ! Heres some cute ones that can work ,,




    Hope i helped ! Its sweet of you to help ur friend .Maybe you guys should do a spa sleepover at your house so she can feel better about her self .


    EDIT : THOSE EXCERSIES THAT SOMEONE POSTED DO.NOT. DO .LOL ! Yeah there for people with already big breast to shape the muscle under it . If she does it she will lose the little she does have !!!
    Well for starters bras with wire kind of stunt their growth. Im nearly 14 and the special bra lady told me not to wear wire bras. It runs in the family that we have small boobs and im trying to beat it! im nearly the same size as my sister who is 17. Also try not to wear bras to bed. Tell her to wear a crop-top or something if she likes support, like me. Your bust grows until your are 16-18. There is a lot of time.
    Hmmm i know they have these water bras somewhere that might work... maybe push up or wonder bras?

    But im an A cup and im ninteen! Haha. So maybe if she maybe did something to feel more comfortable with her body ';( take a modeling class for fun or somemthing) She could just learn to accept it and when ppl bullie her she could tell them how she could care less and hold her head up high!

    either way hope i could help
    well i used to have an A cup bra when i was of her age, i am turning 17 now and i got a C cup now.

    just wait, maybe she is a late bloomer or something but most probably she'll inherit her family's bra cup size.
    The only thing she can do is wait. I assume she is in here early teens. She will still have a lot of growing to to yet, so will develop in time. The people who are bullying her are just sad and pathetic little cowards.
    She needs to accept who she is now. At this age, she shouldn't be looking to attract that kind of attention to herself anyhow.
    when breasts are touched and played with they seem to grow slightly larger in size
    the people who are bullying her are lame who cares what size they are, and she cant really make them bigger because they are already natural, at least they arent saggy like an old farts right? :)
    i like boooobies =]
    masage ur boobs
    Hi. She is thirteen nobody should be looking at her breasts!!! Where is her father to teach that it is not acceptable?! Inner beauty is what always counts some women are awful on the inside it doesn't matter how pretty they are on outside it makes them ugly with horrible personality and very shallow to be obsessed about one's looks all the time. Tell her to just be comfortable in her own skin and not try to be someone else.

    Tell her she needs to grow properly she just needs to eat a proper diet and get proper exercise and rest afterwards. Skip out all that teen junk food and eat healthy and take a vitamin. That will keep body at optimum for her to develop into what her body will normally be. The other thing you want her to do is to wear proper clothing not restrictive so that the fat can settle into its proper place.

    If she isn't developed yet in the breast area (she's still young) then just tell her not to worry about it! She will probably have same breast size as her mother and aunts. People develop at different stages.

    Edit: And tell her no no no don't do those exercises above. They are for older already developed people they only firm up the muscle and make it appear upright and fuller. For someone her age with little breast size an exercise regime in the breast area would actually reduce it. Muscle mass burns off fat in the target areas.