Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I need serious help/advice?

I've been with this girl for almost 6 months now, but I'm not physicaly, or mentaly attracted to her anymore. I told her that, and she broke down. All we do is argue, and yell at eachother. nobody in my family likes her. My grandmother just passed away last Saturday, and one of her dieing wishes is for me to break up with her, and be happy... I've been trying to break up with her for about 2-3 months now, but she starts crying, and yelling at me... I'm going crazy. What should i do ???I need serious help/advice?
Hi hon stop letting her control you with her crap, she knows what she is doing. And since you have done the right thing by being open and honest with her, and she still hangs on means she has got some bigggg problems. So tell her straight up again and add there are laws for harassment, and I intend to see that they are enforced if you don't move on. Then avoid her like the plague and if it really does not stop keep your word. Fatal attraction can make your life a living hell. You don't say how old the two of you are but you need to start letting people know what is going on for your own well being.I need serious help/advice?
Its as easy as just saying its over! if youu really wanted too break-up with her it wouldnt be hard!
you told her it is over that is all you can do stop letting her back in you are sending mix messages stand by your choice and do not give in good luck
just break up

she just won't give up

don't be dragged down bc she won't let you go
Break up with her. Don't let her talk you into staying in a relationship where you're unhappy.

I know it probably sounds cruel, but if she doesn't seem to get the message then avoid her. Don't answer her phone calls or e-mails. Block her screen name. Eventually she'll leave you alone.
break up with her.
If your not dating, it shouldnt matter if shes pissed at you, unless yall are friends or something.

If all yall do is argue, just break up.

Do it easily though.

I know if I only argued with my boyfriend, Id like to break up with him.
She manipulates you with her emotional reactions. You need to stand up for yourself and go for more satisfying individuals.

Satisfying... in the emotional sense. If you can't get along with someone outside of sex, they'll only make your life miserable.
tell her wat u told us. tell her ur really sorry but u cant do it anymore. be nice and tell her that ur really sorry but u cant go on.
Umm change your number

change your locks

You need to be strong and end it. Make a clean break and eventually she will get over it and both of you can move on. If you continue to feel sorry for her, it will make it harder on both of you.
Kick her out if it is your place....If not leave.....Get yer $hit and go!!! Real Simple!!! If you dont have a permanent place to go....see if you can shack up with a buddy temporarily. If you have good friends someone will help. Otherwise if she is staying in your place tell her to leave. If she doesnt....call the authorities!! Done deal!!!
Break up with her.

Tell her you want to be friends; but if shes always gonna cry around you, that you don't think you can even be friends.

She'll get it through her head.
just break up with her. its better for the both of you. hopefully she doesn't stalk you
your grandmother wants her gone so be it
She is getting her way by manipulating you with her tears and crying and yelling. As long as that is working, she is going to keep it up. Maybe you could write her a letter (return receipt requested to insure that she gets the letter - AND if she claims she never got the letter, then you have proof that she did.) The beauty of a letter is that a letter can't talk back. She can cry and yell at home. Maybe by the time that she confronts you about it - and no doubt this crazy daisy will - she will have SOME measure of composure. You don't have to be mean and it is best if you aren't. Let her know that this is it! Tell her you wish her all the happiness in the world and that you know that she will meet the right person who will be all that she desires. And assure her that you are not that person. Let her know without a doubt that you are sure of your heart. Tell her that to pursue this relationship any longer is not fair to either one of you because your heart is not in it. Let her know that you will begin to consider dating other Acknowledge her pain and insure her that was never your intention to hurt her, but that unfortunately, there just doesn't seem to be any other way for the two of you to go except separate ways. Reiterate that you do not have any feelings of love in your heart for her as a girlfriend and therefore there is nothing left to pursue and that it is best for both of you to move on with your lives. You may want to tell her that you will no longer be accepting phone calls from her and that she may contact you by US mail.

You need to make a clean break from her. She may really be in love with you and losing you is akin to a death. Dragging it out is making it more of a painful process than necessary. You know that you are not going to feel about her in the way that you thought you did at one time, so drop the hatchet and let her go. She will survive and she will find someone else and hopefully she will find the right person.

Don't waste your time or hers any longer. Just be strong - not cruel or hurtful - but very decisive. And move on with your life and don't allow her any room to torture you OR herself!
I think you should sit down and have a long talk with her. You should be alone, and preferably at her house, so she doesn't feel any more hated that she will when you tell her.

Just ask her for a break, to see other people. Promise her you can still spend time with each other, and that you won't just leave her in the dust, because thats one of the things we girls are most afraid of- being left alone when we need someone.

If she starts crying, give her a hug, and tell her not to worry, that there's definately someone out there who will fall for her, and that when that happens, he'll make her forget all about you.

She'll probably deny it, tell you she can't live without you, or some other tactic to make you feel sorry for her and not leave her. Don't fall for it, just reassure her that there are better guys out there than you. I know its harsh, but it does work.

Good luck. ^.^
just be like its over yo leave me alone say your grandma wanted it and your just tryin to fulfill he last wish

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