Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cutting problem...please help....advice.....?

i am 15 and was raped for two years by my step-brother...my mother died when i was 2 my dad knows that i am going threw hell but refuses to get me help....i have severe depression...and my dad took my pills away because i tried overdosing...now i have a really horrible problem with cuttin myself...i just cant stop...i do it all the time...even if im not sad....i really need help...all i think about is dieing...although i am moving away with my aunt tmr....but i know that my prob. will not stop....and i dont want to tell because they WILL send me away...please help.Cutting problem...please help....advice.....?
Professional help will not do anything, I had a girlfriend in your same perdicament, she was raped by a boy for a year, and her mom abused her constantly, the thing you need is a boyfriend like me, I am always there. Never taking the positive attention off of you no matter what, she sometimes would yell and scream at me, and during it start crying but still yelling, which let me know that she was not mad just she could not control it, so she would still be yelling and yelling, and I would get closer and closer... and just take a hold of her and hug her, she would hit me and say stop i can deal with it myself and I would not let go np matter what. Then finnaly she would just cry... She told me when I had to move away, that me being there and not letting her do stuff changed her life complletely, you need someone that is always there in a positive way, no matter what your mood. And i just wish I was there to help, but find a real nice boyfriend, and trust me things will change.Cutting problem...please help....advice.....?
First of all what your step-brother did was not your fault and you do not need to punish yourself. Physical pain is easier to bear and for people to understand as it can be seen and requires looking after. Emotional pain is not 'seen' by others it still needs looking after though.

If you feel/think you can not talk to anyone find a Rape Crisis Counselling Centre and talk with them they are trained to help people through traumatic events like you have survived.

Why would they send you away? This sounds more like the message your step-brother threatened you with so you would not inform on him. It is time for you to be brave, take hold of your life and seek the professional help I have suggested.

Many women have survived this type of trauma and live happy fullfilling lives and you can too. I am not saying it goes away from your memory you learn how to put it into a perspective that you can live with.

You also need to consider if you want to bring about legal charges against your step-brother. Males of this type do not just do what he did to you, multiple rape, he just keeps looking for the next young victim. You have the power to report him and that is what he took from you. Your power to make decisions from a good base that is why you are making unhealthy choices now.

Please see a counsellor and reclaim your life back, who knows you may educate yourself to be able to help and speak out for those who can not speak out for themselves.

I am so sorry you are having to endure this however, don't let him win by hurting yourself or being down on yourself. You are a lovely young lady on the first part of your life's journey and you can make it happier from now.

Seek counselling is the first step to the 'you' you know that lives inside and is capable of being happy.

Best wishes and a big sack full of Aussie hugs.
Sounds like your home life sucks. How can being sent away be worse? Maybe it would be the start of a new life.
Get professional counseling. If your father won't help, perhaps your aunt will. Also, maybe your school system can point you to resources.

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