Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Senior Noncommissioned Officers, help/advice please?

I am a new nco, e-5.

Here's the problem, I just arrived to my duty station not too long ago, and my first weekend I decided to step out of my comfort zone and go out with some other soldiers (E-4/E-5s).

So, this male SGT was macking on me, but I was like ';uh no';

The next day people come up to me, ';SGT Clark walked in on you having sex?'; what?

So basically, he had spread rumors I was sleeping around... on my first weekend.

So, I told him and my first line leader together I'm not sleeping around and he needed to quit it.

Fine, nothing happened after that for a minute.

About two weeks later, the rumor is I am sleeping with a specialist who had been familiarizing me with Okinawa, telling me how to get to Kadena AFB, Camp Lester/Foster, etc.

I again told him to quit.

So this week the rumor is I am sleeping with yet another person.

This time his name was mentioned, ';I heard from Clark this.'; I can't prove he had spread the rumors, only go off people's word.

So, my commander asked me yesterday, ';Would you like to press harassment charges? Take some time and think about it';

As a senior NCO, what do you think I should do.

I want him to quit, and yes I would LOVE to make an example out of him, but sexual harassment follows you your entire career and I don't want to be that harsh, but thats what they are going to give him if I say yes.Senior Noncommissioned Officers, help/advice please?
You have already talked to him and nothing happend i would definitely file the sexual harassment on him. One it will show him that your completely serious about this and that he needs to stop and two yes it will follow him but he made the choice not to take no for an answer. If you dont file this report he could end up doing it to someone else. Stop it now before it gets worse.Senior Noncommissioned Officers, help/advice please?
If there is any other way to stop it try that. If you can get a senior grade nco or a low grade office (lt or ensign depending on branch of service) to deal with it unofficially then do that as well. make sure he knows that if he doesn't stop that his career is ruined. then drop the axe.
Make him an example that Sexual Harrassment will not be tolerated in our military. PERIOD!

Folks has got to know that ';NO'; means ';NO';, and shouldn't get mad and vengeful just because you said ';no';.

And you just got to that unit, and they're clowning like that??? What a way to welcome someone into a unit!
Talk to your First Sergeant? It's too late IMO. You have already spoke to the person, take it up the chain or press charges.

Hope it works out.
To everyone that is involved '; Grow the f ck up';. Sgt Clark needs to get his head out of his a$$.

I feel that this is one of the tests of being in the military. Hold an informal meeting with your 1st line leader, Sgt Clark and the person that mentioned Sgt Clark. Tell your 1SG that intend to have this meeting. He will very likely show up. Question your source about it and question Sgt Clark. This should stop your source from repeating bullshit that he hears from other ';canaries';. All the people that repeat the BS that is told are just a guilt as the person that started the rumors.

If this doesn't work then you will have no choice but to file a formal harassment charges. Keep a written record of everything that you hear. If you can carry a small digital recorder with you to record conversations of people so that they cannot deny what the have told you. If you do file then you will need all the help that you can get.

When you are angry you are very likely to be out of your element. Always keep your cool. When you get angry you are likely to do something stupid. Sgt Clark sounds like he is the type of person that uses this to his advantage. Piss people off past their breaking point and make them self look like they are innocent.

The angrier that you get the more he wins. Stay cool and you will win.
When I was an E-5 (USMC 0311) it would have been taken care of probably through violence of some sort. I know that doesn't always work but that is the best part about working with all guys. We probably would have gotten a beer a couple days later too.

You have to put an end to it somehow because soon you won't have any credibility and be useless as an NCO. Make a decision and go with it. If you stand by what you decide - you will be respected and that goes and LONG way as an NCO

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