Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I need ur help/advice...girls please?

Im 17, and I've been friends with this girl for a little over a year now and I really like her alot (shes the girl of my dreams) and i took her to my junior prom. The only thing is that I never told her how i felt cuz i didnt want to risk our friendship,and im also very shy, and now she dosent talk to me as much as she used to. People having been telling me to give up cuz its too late, but I cant. What should I do?I need ur help/advice...girls please?
Well, if you say she's the girl of her dreams, don't let her get off that easy. Call her, talk to her, start up the friendship again. Tell her how you feel, and even if it doesn't work out, you'll feel better knowing that you gave it a shot. I hope for the best for you guys, I really do : ).I need ur help/advice...girls please?
I know it will be difficult yet you need to talk to her.

Before you do, you can plan out what you want to say and just be honest. Express how you feel to her and explain it.

Just think of it this way, if you don't try, you will never know. Also, I know this is cliche but you don't want to keep thinking ';what if.';
You should talk to her...don't let it slip away then you will always think back and regreat it. If she doesn't feel the same way let it be, there plenty of fish in the sea.
Just tell her how you feel, all she can say is she doesnt feel the same..Then you can move on at least you tried..Good Luck
dude. NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP ON A CHICK. I deeply regret never taking the plunge and i was in the same situation as you! Don't screw yourself cause if you don't talk to her that's all you'll be doing
if you don't tell her you'll never know. You said she doesn't talk to you much now...if you tell her either things will stay as they are or she might like you back.
Send her a cute card telling her you still have great memories of the prom. Your shyness might lead her to think you are the one not interested. Wait and see if she responds. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Good luck.
you knw whats funny? i am kind of in the same situation...i am also shy to tell this guy that i like him...well ur lucky atleast u toked to her i havent ever said a word to the guy i like cuz i am so shy...just tell her you like her before she slips out of your hands! dont lose this chance of telling her or u will never get to. I am trying my best to tell the guy i have a crush on how much i lyk him =) hope all goes well! good luck!
well if ya went tp junior prom togther maybe talking to her is ok .......have a try but always give her time and ready to face the truth
that happened to me!

but i was the girl in the situation...

i think u should go for it....but make sure u wont hurt her in thv future...my ex......like u, was totally in love with me, and it turns out i was too...he said hed never leave me....and then he did, for a really stupid reason........he felt the same way about me as u do about this girl.......same situation, except im 15, and hes 16......but thv thing is, we stayed friends.....so dont worry. if u really like her a lot, u should go for it! =]
It is never too late to plow (means keep trying). Only waiting to find the answer keeps u longing at the edge of your seat. Longing and missing are just gonna create negative emotions for you until you pull the trigger. Once you have pulled the trigger you will feel perhaps sadness at worst which you can get over. But more likely, in your situation, relief happiness and glory. If she went with u to junior prom and u failed to pull the trigger then she became upset and lessened your friendship, it is quite obvious that she liked you. Seize that moment before she is over you. You have a lot to tell her if you want and don't let her slip out of ur hands without even reaching. In fact, even if she has slipped you would be suprised what a lil game will do for you. There will be other girls you swear are your dream girls, but why let this one slip away without a fight
Well from a guy doing the same thing to me!

ya don't give!!!!! up

she just mite like u and u don't know it thats why

u gotta put ur shyness away!!

u mite just of found some one for you and u don't wanna

give that up do u!

Sooo get to talking to her again ask her out for a movie

dinner anything! just be urself u never know what can happend!!!!!

Good!! Luck!!
Pluck up the courage to tell her. If you really liked her, tell her before it's too late. Then wait for her answer. If she wouldn't like it, matbe she needs space. But I don't think that would happen, and I hope not. You're her friend and it's not bad to tell her that. I wish you would succeed. Good Luck!
Try to get it back to where it was...

If u can't do that tell her what u feel any way you can, and then give her time to process....

And a while after that confront her...
When you've found the One, you've found the One. Chase after her. It doesn't matter if you're shy or not, this is the girl of your dreams you're talking about! Don't let her slip through your fingers!

Talk to her. It's tough, but tell her about your feelings. In fact, say almost exactly what you posted.

';We've been friends for over a year now and I really like you. I never told you because I'm shy and I didn't want to risk our friendship... but I needed to tell you.';

Obviously, it should be paraphrased and spoken naturally, not rehearsed. And make sure it comes from the heart! =]

I hope it all turns out well! Don't let your shyness overcome your feelings.

God bless!
please dont post the same question
This is a complicated question. Its happened to me. We saw each other everyday for a long time and became good friends. It started just as regular friends, I never saw anything special in her until spending a lot of time with her seeing who she really was. Then one night I told her how I felt and she didn't talk to me for a month. After that I talked to her once a month for 2-3 months, then, we just quit talking. We didn't really talk again for about 1.5 - 2 years. And are just now beginning to hang out again (2 weeks ago I believe). That's just what happened to me. Your story might be different. It just depends if you see signals from her saying she likes you. Its 50/50.

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