Tuesday, November 22, 2011

';Help'; advice needed......?

Help Help my 4 and just only 4 yr old daughter has just told me my fian'cee,s 13 yr old son has been touching her private parts and licking her also ...............IM 28 AND ME AND HIS MUM ARE SO ANGRY ,WE DONT KNOW WAT TO DO . I WANNA HAMMER HIM BUT I OBVIUSLY CANT DO THAT.....WE NEED ';ADVICE'; ASAP';Help'; advice needed......?
If your question is serious, go to the police immediately. No use posting a question like this on here.';Help'; advice needed......?
Thats not right at all!! He needs help...seriously!!!!!

Tell your fella and then sit down in a calm (as calm as you can be in this situation!) and talk to the lad tell him how very, very wrong it is!!! And never ever leave your daughter with him or near him like that ever again!!! If you don't do something now and just let it pass HE will grow up to think its ok and who knows what he'll end up being or doing!!

Also try and explain to your little girl that what he did was 'naughty' and that only her and her mummy or daddy or nanny etc are allowed down there and if ever ANYONE trys to do anything like that again she's to shout and tell you straight away, its difficult but try not to make it into a BIG thing for her coz of her age she'll think she's been naughty so be firm but tell her that you love her lots and lots and that she shouldnt worry but never to let anyone else do that again...Hope this all helps and good luck......x
He is NEVER to be near your kids when another adult is not there. That won't work end - or your finacee has a problem with it end that relationship.
Report it! If you don't, you are only telling your child that she does not matter and you don't want that. i understand he is a child also, but he is a predator and should be treated as one...Friends with his MOM or not, YOU NEED TO PUT YOUR CHILD FIRST. Get the police involved and be careful not to leave your daughter around anyone who might manipulate her memory about what he did to her!
You do need help, so does your daughter and so does that thirteen year old boy. This need to be reported to the authorities adn NOW... this could do serios psychological damage to yoru daughter. Get her the help she is going to need and get the boy help..somthing has happened to him??????

One more thing, dod you thank your daughter for telling you and praise her. Be very CAREFUL with your expression aroung your daughter about this...she could pick up some serious BLAME, SHAME AND GUILT
kick his *** and take him to the police station, if you ring first to get some advice, they should just tell him off enough to scare his private parts off. then ban everything, mobile, playstation ipod etc etc!!
Take her to a children's phsychologist before you do anything. Get a professional opinion on the best course of action.
Sorry to say this, but he needs to be stopped and stopped now. You need to report this. Just imagine what could happen
You need to report him to the police. I know it is hard but this is a child abuse case and these things need to be handled carefully.

If you don't do this professionally - you will end up harming the case, if it goes to court.

You need to report this - if you don't, you end up giving your daughter the impression it is ok for boys/men to do this.

He needs help - there a chance he has been abused in past but even so, he should be shown this is wrong.

Get on phone to police now.

It not about loyalty - it is about protecting your daughter and other children.

oh my god, this needs sorting out fast, contact socisl services for advice
Report it to the police, they will know the best path to take, as he is 13 he can be arrested and charged. Tell your fiancee too and make sure that little brat never come near your daughter again! He's 13 so dont let his Dad give u any stuff about he didint know it was wrong etc... all 13 year olds know way too much when it come to sex. Make sure the little brat is punished suitably even if it means loosing ur fiancee. If u dont report him he may carry on doing this to other children. He is a sick boy and if i had my way would be castrated before he can do anymore damage!

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