Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pregnancy question??? Please Help very important!!!! Any help/advice is appreciated!!!!!?

i have three question but i dont want to waste points so i am wrapping them all into one!!!!

1. Is it possible to have arthritis during pregnancy?

I have been having pains in my hands and wrists.....they are sharp and dull......when i try to pop my fingers or my wrist they hurt even worse and it kinda hurts to type but i want to know!!!!!!

2. I have sunburn on my scalp what can I use to sooth it? I have been told to put aloe on my scalp but I have ';black girls hair';.....they are very tight curls and i dont feel like washing aloe out of my hair for the next week......if you are wondering how i got sunburn on my scalp the answer is....I let my friend put my hair in corn rows and I went to the beach to fish and swim and i think you know the rest......

3. I cant get to sleep and it is bugging me.....what can i do????? When I go to lay down I just lay there because I cant fall asleep.....Does any one know any home remedies to get me to go to sleep.......Keep in mind that I am 23weeks pregnant so dont say sleeping pills......

All answers/help/advice is appreciated......thanks in advance and i hope every one wellPregnancy question??? Please Help very important!!!! Any help/advice is appreciated!!!!!?
1. it is always possible to be sick and have arthritis and be pregnant but is not because that you are pregnant that you get sick...for this is best to talk to your doctor in your next visit :D

2. you can use lotion or baby oil, but if you use baby oil don't go in the sun..you can still use aloe even with ';black girls hair'; just don't leave it there, wash it off after a couple of hours...aloe is good.if you don't want to use it everyday you don't have to...there is shampoo and lotions with aloe :D

3. you can drink tea that can make you relax, like chamomile, or something similar, or a warm glass of milk, you can go to a mexican store and get a ';te de tila'; which is to calm you down, it does not affect your baby...Pregnancy question??? Please Help very important!!!! Any help/advice is appreciated!!!!!?
the first question...idk if its arthritis or not but i've had pains in my legs but tahts cuz im 9 months and im carrying alot...the 2nd question..i dont know...and the 3rd....try adding more pillows throughout your body length..and if you have any heartburn, take 2-3 tums and lay your head/neck on two pillows. that helps me.
To question #3, try not to have any caffeine at all during the day. At least for me I can have a small soda all day long and can't sleep until very late that night. And try not to do alot of activities after 6pm.
THese are symptoms of pregnancy but just ask your doctor!
1. joints ache during pregnancy it's not arthritis

if it gets really bad talk to your dr about it

2. ouch! - yeah aloe is the only thing that's really going to help

maybe re-braid it and have them use aloe while they do it and then you'll be able to put it in between (it shouldn't show much if you don't glob it on)

... i don't know - that's a hard one if you can't wash it often

3. warm milk always helps

good luck!
um the third question...My doctor said it was 100% safe to take melatonin while I was preg. It is an over the counter medc. It is in the vitamin section, it is a natural chemical our brains make when we are babies...and it works wonders. If you are still iffy, then a glass of warm milk helps alot too, but i hate warm milk. And yes u can get arthritis Remember the baby takes alot of your calcium and other vitamins. Sunburn on the scalp, maybe vinegar and water
1. Uh, yeah obviously. You can get arthritis at any time. You are making it worse by attempting to pop them.

2. There really isn't anything you can do if you don't want to put aloe on your hair. There is some spray aloe that isn't as thick. But you will still have to wash it out.

3. There are some natural sleeping pills and I believe they are safe for pregnancies. Also, try reading. It should tire your eyes out. You can try slowly adjusting yourself to get ready to go to bed. Don't eat 1 to 1-1/2 hour before going to sleep, try taking a hot bath before sleeping and get super comfy and lay in bed and read. Don't turn on the tv.
1. Pregnancy means taking enough calcium for you and your baby so maybe thats why your fingers hurt. Try getting enough of it maybe it can help.

2. Like any other sunburn youneed to wait for it to go away try washing your hair with cold water it will only relief if for a moment but it may help.

3. To sleep or to calm my nerves you could drink chamomile tea with anis stars so it tastes good. You could find it supermarket in the spices aisle A few chamomile flower 4 stars of anis you boiled it and add sugar when served. When you take it try to be at bed and relax it helps with the effect. Good luck, and don't worry its just pregnancy too.
Its not arthritis, some woman develope carpal tunnel syndrom, which is much like what you describe, it usually subsides after pregnancy but can remain, spek to your doctor about it asap.

For the sunburn, just try keeping out of the sun, stay away from corn rows, uv rays ca be very damaging to baby, and try keeping your hair moist like putting water in a spray bottle and spraying it every now anf then.

Lots of woman have sleeping issues from pains or being uncomfortable, and some develope insomnia. If you uncomfottable invest in a good body pillow to curl up to, if its insomnia there is nothing you can do without medication for it, except try and gets lots of exerciase without overdoing it each day.
Foreverliving MSG combine with forever heat lotion can relief the arthitis pain and help the pain to go away. You can also drink a pill of omega 3 from forever living it's safe during pregnancy it will even increase your baby's IQ that 's what a read in a magazined with an study on babies whose mothers took the omega 3. You can also try to drink 2 oz of aloe vera gel from forever living to help qwith the arthritis , and constipation I think the pop problem is not cause by the arthiris , pregnant women get constipated because the intestines get pus back so far and squezed to give room to the baby . The aloe is the best option for you scalp, you don't have to put a whole lot and if you use the one from forever living which is called aloe vera gelly you don't have to rinse right away because it doesn't leave residue it is quite clean I apply it on my hair to stop freezing her or to hydrate my scalp and I have never had flakes it's great it's 100% stabilized aloe vera, as if you were to cut an aloe leaf open only without the mess. Very affordable and you can find it at forever-living .net To hepl you sleep what you h ave to do is to go for a walk before you're going to sleep then take a shower and you'll fall asleep you can also take a cup of tea free of caffeine camomile with cinamon you can also get it at forever-living.net I used to take it when I was pregnant and my baby was moving to much and it would calmed him down and I will feell great the warmness it's very soothing for you and your baby. Give it a try I did all these when I was pregnan and I never had problem with my pregnancy it help me to get through it with much trouble. Gos bless bye!
yes arthritis is something you can have in pregnancy

and you might have to just let the sunburn go away by itself..or just put a little on your finger and get it as close to the scalp as possible so that there wont be very much in your hair..

as for the sleep i go through this all the time..i had a horrible time last night with braxton hicks contractions..and you just have to lay there intell you finally fall asleep i know it sucks..

you could try to take a warm bath...

also the smell of lavender works so get some of that in a shampoo or soap next time your at a store..

and you could try to drink something warm sometimes that helps

but thats all i got..i come back if i have an more ideas
1. It sounds like you have carpal tunnel, which is common during pregnancy and will flare up-ask your dr. what to do. More than likely they will tell you to wear a brace.

2. Just dab a little bit of lotion on your sunburn, it will soothe the itching/pain.

3. Yes, you CAN take some sleeping pills. I am looking at the list from my dr. right now and for sleeping it says it is safe to take Tylenol P.M. or Unisom.
I have arthritis and I am 36 weeks pregnant. Needless to say I can barely move at times because of the pain in my hips, hands, feet, wrists, and knees. I am only 24 and I walk like my grandma, lol. However, I think that much of the pain is due to water retention and the extra weight.

As for sleeping I would ask your doctor for an approved medicine. Mine allows me to take benedryl or tylenol pm. I haven't had to though because this pregnancy is exhausting.

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